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Associate Presentation Template

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Summer Associate Presentation

Transcript: How was substantial investment not shown? Facts: Rule that Incorporates Precedent: Nintendo's Argument: Facts: Precedent Nokia was a phone company that was sued by Interdigital for allegedly infringing their CDMA technology. Motiva's Argument: Motiva owned patents related to a system that provided a functional movement assessment for exercise and physical rehabilitation. In 2008, Motiva filed suit against Nintendo in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas for infringing on its patent with the Wii. In 2010, Motiva filed a complaint at the ITC. Nintendo moved for summary determination that the domestic industry requirement of Section 337 was not satisfied. Take Aways: How was this shown? Motiva's litigation activities satisfied the requirements for licensing. The litigation against Nintendo was a strategy to force Nintendo to license its patent. Nintendo's license would force others to invest and license in Motiva's patented technology. Holding: Domestic Industry Requirement at the ITC: Licensing Litigation can satisfy the economic prong. (as seen in Interdigital and PPC) Litigation must be substantial and directed toward a licensing program that would encourage adoption and development of articles that incorporated the patent. Currently a rising 3L at The American University Washington College of Law Originally from the Tariff Act of 1930 19 U.S.C. § 1337(a)(3) (3) . . . an industry in the United States shall be considered to exist if there is in the United States, with respect to the articles protected by the patent, copyright, trademark, mask work, or design concerned-- (A) significant investment in plant and equipment; (B) significant employment of labor or capital; or (C) substantial investment in its exploitation, including engineering, research and development, or licensing. Holding: Information Regarding Brianna Evidence showed Motiva’s litigation was targeted at financial gains, not at encouraging adoption of Motiva’s patented technology. Also, Motiva never offered to license the patent. Therefore, they weren't attempting to build a licensing industry. Rule: Domestic Industry - Licensing: Applicable Law Next Case: Interdigital v. ITC A Complainant does not have to show that their product is manufactured in the US. Only need to show substantial investment in the exploitation of the patent. To safeguard domestic companies from foreign infringing products. Proving licensing is tough when a company was not attempting to license Proving licensing is tough when a company does not keep good records What could Motiva have done to satisfy the domestic industry? PPC manufactured cable connectors that were used to connect coaxial cables to electronic devices. PPC had granted only one license for the patent that resulted from years of litigation. The license included other patents related to the technology. PPC argued its litigation expenditures were substantial and satisfied the domestic industry requirement. The Law Interdigital Comm. v. ITC, 707 F.3d 1295 (Fed. Cir. 2013) Hire an employee or company to license like Interdigital. Offer or request Nintendo and other infringing parties seek licensing for the patent. Assert a patent against an industry that utilized the patented technology. Think about what their end game was and whether suing first and asking for a license later was a reasonable licensing strategy. Table of Contents Get to know Brianna Learn the applicable law regarding domestic industry and why it is used Precedent Recent Federal Circuit Case: Motiva Questions Facts: o Employee’s wages and benefits of those engaged in licensing o Actual licensing revenue Holding: Questions? Travel is essential, too! Graduate of Georgia Tech in Computer Engineering Rule: Motiva’s domestic activities failed to satisfy any of the requirements. There were no commercialized products incorporating Motiva’s patented technology . Litigation was not a significant or substantial investment that could satisfy domestic industry. John Mezzalingua Assocs. (PPC) v. ITC, 660 F.3d 1322, 1327 (Fed.Cir. 2011) Karaoke, not so essential, but fun! Why do we need domestic industry? PPC failed to satisfy the domestic industry through licensing because its expenditures in litigation/ licensing were not "substantial." PPC did not have a formal licensing program Litigation was not entirely for the asserted patent in the case The expenses must be separated based on the patent The purpose of the litigation appeared to be to stop the defendant from manufacturing infringing products because PPC did not offer to license the patent prior to litigation and sought an injunction Expenditures on patent litigation do not automatically constitute evidence of the existence of an industry in the United States established by substantial investment in the exploitation of a patent. Recent Case: Motiva v. ITC, 716 F.3d 596 (Fed. Cir. 2013) To satisfy the domestic industry requirement by proof of investment in patent licensing

Associate Director Presentation

Transcript: My Qualifications Primary Areas of Career Development Additional ideas for integration Employer Needs Program & Service Delivery [Engaging] Creates Highly Qualified Students [Transform] Greater return for the employer and enhanced relationship with campus [Success] “How should career planning services and the employer relations and recruitment programs work together to support the Career Center’s mission?” The Career Center provides innovative, state-of-the-art career education through interactive, exploratory programs and services, engaging Ball State students and alumni to develop professional goals that transform the Ball State education into personal success. [Innovative] [Career Map Stages 2&3] Career Implementation Develop Career Planning course with a module taught by a local employer 13+ years of Higher Education Experience Admissions and Recruitment Career Counseling and Advising Director of Competitive Scholarships The Perfect Match Formation of Career Advisory Council that includes at least 1 employer [Career MAP Stage 1] Evaluate current NACE recruiting data for use in program planning Employer Relations Enhancements Skill development programs based on employer needs Increased internship programs Development of externship and job shadowing programs Primary partners for Career Services Extensive Experience Working with students & alumni Working with faculty & staff Working with external constituents Create site visit trips in coordination with Employer Relations strategic plan Employer Relations Enhancements More employer involvment in the delivery of Professional U series Increased numbers of employers participating in Job Fair events Panel discussions relating to specific college/work transitions Greater employer presence on campus Exploration & Research Presented by Brandon Bute Candidate for Career Center Associate Director November 23, 2011 [Career Map Stage 4] Skill & Experience Development Employer Relations Enhancements Informational interviews with employers Alumni career mentor and educator database Up to date information regarding recrutiment trends needs

Engagement Associate Presentation

Transcript: Michaela Hernandez Postmates FunComm Member (2019-2020) Engagement Ambassador for BU Lana for Postmates (2020-2021) Engagement Ambassador for Uber (current) Portofolio Engagement Affiliations Skills and Traits Skills Hosting Performances Events Manpower Traits Willing to be trained Can communicate well 100 % commitment Events Involvement Some events attended and facilitated Chinese Drangon Making Contest Viral XPs Station IDs Amazing Race Master Chef Valentine's Day serenade Volleybal Player Postmates and One Force Additonal Event Affliatons Event/Activity Valentine's Day Event Valentine's Day Event: Valentine's Day : Celebreation of Love Description: A two hours Valentine's Day event with serenading and a game to test a couples connection and a moment for the singles to maybe find their perfect match. Objective: To give entertainment to all and to celebreate love that is shared and love for oneself. Target Audience: ALL ; for games registration for couples and singles (inclusivity) Target Date: February 14, 2023 | 10am - 11:30M | 4th flr event space Game Description : Couples: Will jut down significant info about their relationship. Most couple with matching answers wins. Singles: Each will jut down their ideal traits in a realtionship. most number of matching items wins. Photo Contest: Most creative photo with caption. (couple and single) Criteria for Judging Creativity: 50% Photo Caption: 45% Photo Quality: 5% Booths: Photo Booth | Loot Booth (First 100 upon registration) Event Plan Timeline Feb. 1 Start of sending Comms January 15 (Asking for approvals and procurement) Feb. 14 Event Day Feb. 9 Gathering materials needed January 20 Meeting for Event Plan POW (Program of Work) 10am - 10:20am - Registration 10:20am - 10:30am - Opening Remarks from the Host/ Higher Ups available 10:30am - 10:40am - 2 songs serenade 10:40am - 11:00am - Couples Bingo Game 11:00am - 11:10am - 2 songs seranade 11:10am - 11:30 - Singles Bingo Game 11:40 - 12nn - Awarding of prizes to game winners and photo contest winners| Closing remarks | Simultaneous serenading 4th flr. event space Floor Plan Comms will be set through Email Blast Sample Email Blast Comms Google Form Poster Budget Plan *This will vary upon suggested vendor from procurement Sample Feedback Form Feedbacks Couples and singles prize: Date/meal for 2 at Hybrid Project Prizes / Token Photo Contest prize: 2 winners per category (P500 GC) *This should be asked approval for procurement a month before the event Loot Inclusions: Decals / Stickers Heart-shaped Pastillas

LMC6: Associate Presentation

Transcript: Outline 2. Embedding of the process for collecting and producing digital stories Embedding the Process 130 Oral History interviews and thousands of photographs Over 5000 hits on website 37 digital stories and four museum exhibits Plenty of material for more! 2. Overall Project Summary 1. Final months of the project Increased engagement (3) Project Aims 3. The Future for 'Taking the Field' Dr Emma Peplow Associate Presentation Brief summary of the previous three months Remaining six weeks Consolidation of Sri Lankan and UK material: new webpages, digital stories, museum exhibits New clubs Academic and Press Personal Development 2. Overall Project Summary 3. Increased engagement between the MCC and local, regional and international audiences... Continue as an MCC-funded project until the end of 2014 Focus on creating a network of UK volunteers and further research abroad Further funding bids to HLF (in partnership with Sporting Memories Network) and possibly AHRC Foundation of Goodness, Seenigama, Sri Lanka 1. Final months of the project Website 'future-proof' for upcoming years Use of knowledge in other MCC projects Lessons for future funding bids 2. Overall Project Summary 2. Overall Project Summary Further consolidation Personal development: Prince2 Course Final Report Preparation for the future Tasks to complete Over 60 contacts in UK clubs Excellent Sri Lankan contacts and goodwill UK media Heritage Community Academic Community Increased engagement (2) Overall aim and outputs met 1: Production of artefacts 2: Embedding the process 3: Increased engagement 4: Sustainability 1. Final Months of the Project LMC 6: 6 July 2012 Rodley CC 4. Sustainability of the new activities... Sustainability Production of artefacts (1) Increased engagement (1) The past three months Production of artefacts (2) 3. The Future for 'Taking the Field' 1. Production of digital artefacts and delivery via the web, in the museum and other marketing channels... 2. Overall Project Summary 2. Overall Project Summary For myself and for MCC Online toolkit for clubs Valuable lessons "The overall aim of this project is to embed in MCC and the participating cricket clubs the skills, knowledge and create, curate and disseminate a unique collection of digital artefacts...based on the narrative heritage of grassroots cricket."

Associate Manager Presentation

Transcript: ASSOCIATE MANAGER KEEGAN SWARTLEY WHY? WHY do you want to be a leader? Help individuals on their nCino journey Journey manager A new challenge to rise and meet Challenge What is your passion What area within support could benefit from this? PASSIONS + Problem solving Problem solving - Puzzles and games - Rearranging my tiny living room - Planning a self-funded wedding - Enterprise cases - Evaluating Processes and reworking area of benefit in support Area of benefit PDI Backlog PDI's {Source}: 357 PDI CAse stats Stats 1144 227 29/71 Open cases for non-rejected PDI's Total case backlog average days open enterprise % vs C&R % - Validating the issue for the customer - Logging the PDI - Working with PDE to convey customer severity, workarounds, replicating - Check in every 30 days with customer Current Process Current Vision Vision + Issues Generates PDIC ^ Growth Approaches GROWTH 1. Support (not direct) employees’ career journeys 2. Give feedback to help employees develop 3. Advocate for employees when it comes to career moves 4. Match employees’ skills with opportunities 5. Find development and stretch assignments 6. Focus development on experiences to prepare employees for next role Next > Source: Coaching & Feedback Trailhead My Questions QUESTIONS Top management reading recommendations? Recommended Reading Lessons learned from your early days as a manager? Tips and tricks? Early Days Lessons Panel questions Your questions

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