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Transcript: Lesson learnt Straits Times 1. What was covered by wikileak, New York Times covered too. Times claimed that they do not collaborate with the Wikileak but they are source to allow Times to have access to documents such as the military. 2. Times takes the risk – to tell people the information of how they are governed and about the government, or to publish information without putting anyone in danger. 3. To be faster than anybody else because the media landscape has changed drastically, people work like mad to ensure that the timeliness of news is met. 4. New York Times charges the non subscribers for their online platform. To get more news, you have to continue paying. While there are also free news available, the danger is that everyone goes for free stuff when information (news) is not free; they are paid in one way or other. Page One 1. For New York, this story (wikileak) goes into the ‘inside’ story – back story whereas for other countries, it will go front page 2. Now, there are 2 worlds which need explanation to ‘what does it means to journalism’ – one where information will be kept private and classified, and the other which wants to just crack it all open (wikileak) How can it be applied to Singapore’s news biz? The New York Times Is New York Times/Traditional print news dying? They too have leveraged on social media. Instant photos uploaded on twitter for example. 1. They do have online platforms (website, twitter). There is other news which is available free but most of the articles, to read, you must pay – subscribe! 2. Recent news on PSLE results. The Straits Times and other news outlets have structured the articles in which top scorer was not named. However, in the asian parent online article, the top scorer was identified and the aggregate was revealed. Media Relations 3. In many of the political related articles published in Straits Times, most if not all are angled to be “pro-government” and certain information and message has to be conveyed to portray the positive representation of the government. But BBC in the article “Singapore’s mid-life crisis as citizens find their voice”, there was information in which it somewhat project negative side of the government (in Singapore, news may not even include those) : Editor's Response 1. During meeting, senior editors will read the summary of the story on what should be published. Some pointers that will be asked are: Have you framed it properly? Do you have facts to back it up? 2. NYT will choose to write about ‘surfing’ in a particular island. But other company will choose to write about ‘cannibalism’ in the same island. How New York Times operates? Business Times What about Example of story discussed: 1. One dude said, “Old traditional paper is done, period.” But news is not dying. News can be published on other platforms and networks; there are incredible new ways to do news. 2. News business must take advantage of the change or change as much as they want to because, technology changes, media changes too. 3. Demise of traditional news media is due to people losing faith – newspapers have ulterior motives. For example, one of the journalists who wrote an article based with wrong facts because the source gave her the ‘wrong facts’. Just because she was from NYT, therefore she is credible and she has to be credible. 4. Journalism is a public good, therefore it requires a whole new mindset about hwo you support journalism. Foreigners now make up close to 40% of the 5.3 million-strong population It is a tiny city-state in an era of nation states. It does not have great historical narratives or national myths to define its existence. The best and brightest were attracted to the top ranks of the PAP and the government with generous salaries to carry this out. The era of government-knows-best is slowly coming to an end in Singapore. No-one is quite sure what will take its place. So what New York Times did? 1. When Wikileak uploaded an edited video about the government and US Army in Iraq, it was a big chaos about the weapons used and what they heard from the video. 2. New York Times wanted to cover this story in the news but the discussion was concluded by the senior editor who said “this will go in the back story” 1. Time is the biggest newspaper. BBC, CNN and other outlets will read Times the first thing in the morning and see what is covered. Then, there is this ‘times-effect’. People will imitate what was written and reproduce and published – online or anywhere else. 2. While the Times covered stories which are not as ‘controversy’ as other outlets, we must recognise the hard work of the journalists to be on field to report on news such as the Iraq war, for example. However, ? Don’t think about the people that they’ve got. But think about the people that made it – the publishing industry.

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Transcript: Snout: "O Bottom, thou art changed! What do I see on thee?" Bottom: "What do you see? You see an ass head of your own, do you?" (Act 3, Scene 1, Line 98-99) In "The Female Grotesque", Russo talks about the grotesque being an outer body experience and promotes you to look at yourself from an outer point of view. Just like Bottom was forced to look at him self in a grotesque form to find the person that was on the inside. By being transformed into an ass-head, Bottom later woke up from what he thought was a dream. How do these versions of female grotesque apply to the women and girls of this generation? Is there any way to learn from Russo's words to fix the way that we view the female image? How can we prevent younger generations to not feel grotesque? Female's Views on Females The End By: Taylar, Laura, & Emilia The introduction mentions how women's psyche is full of hate against the female body. Women look down on themselves and their objection or humiliation in the photographs show the mysterious, non identical resemblance between female and grotesque. Women see themselves as grotesque The Female Grotesque Our View on Grotesque When thinking of the word "grotesque" it never comes with a positive view. When mixing with a female view it can present itself as being dreary and dark. Females never want to associate themselves with the word grotesque and if they do it's because they have a negative view on themselves and the world around them. Grotesque can be a powerful world when used in the wrong context. Our section was entitled "Introduction" and according to, the definition for introduction is "a preliminary part, as of a book, musical composition, or the like, leading up to the main part." also defines grotesque as an "odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre." There was also a cultural event - " an ex-cavation in the 15th century Rome of ner's domus auera or golden palace across from the coliseum."(page 3) PAGE: 1-3 Russo begins her piece by talking about "the grotesque cave." A"low, hidden, earthly, dark, material, immanent, visceral." (pg. 3) Russo compares this cave to the anatomical female body “Cultural feminism” validates the traditional depictions of mother earth and also shows natural connections between both the female body form and the natural elements of earth. This was one of the most important and controversial retrievals of Roman culture in the Italian Renaissance. There were a series of strange and mysterious drawings combining animal and human body parts. " the grotesque cave" Main Points: Mary Russo begins her literary work "The Female Grotesque" by describing what the female grotesque is and how it plays a role in literature. Introduction Questions Connection to Midsummer'Night's Dream

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Transcript: After contemplating what she should do, Ursula turned into a beautiful woman with the same voice of Ariel, and since the prince was looking for a woman with Ariel's voice because Ariel was the one who saved and sang to him, Ursula went to go see the Prince. By Steven Vince, Ashton Blount, and Patrick Vuljoin Page 3 Page 2 One day, while she was watching Ariel, Ursula caught Ariel wanting to have the prince of their country. Ursula summoned Ariel, and offered her a deal that Ursula would give Ariel legs if Ariel gave her voice to Ursula. if the prince fell in Love with Ariel within three days, she can stay human with him on land. page 6 Page 4 Ursula continued to watch Ariel through the crystal ball and noticed that Ariel had made a great impression on the Prince. Ursula knew that she would have to do something about it. Ursula convinced the Prince that she was Ariel and was able to get him to propose to her, leaving Ariel without anyone. At the wedding of Ursula and the Prince, Ariel and her father barged into the building in which the wedding was taking place and explained to the Prince what was going on, with Ursula on the alter trying to distract the Prince so the would officially become married. Ariel's father was furious with Ursula for disrupting his daughters happiness and smite her using his staff, and that is the legacy of Ursula. Once upon a time, under the sea, there was an octopus woman named Ursula, sister of the sea god Triton, that watched the daughter of Triton, Ariel. Page 1 Page 5 Ursula watched Ariel, because she wanted to make a deal with her in order to gain more power. She was the master of deals and cons, and would make deals with people who couldn't keep their end of the bargain, and would take their souls. The Legacy of Ursula

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Transcript: eDiscovery & Forensics eDiscovery Definition eDiscovery definition (often referred to as ESI, or, “Electronically Stored Information”): Electronic discovery refers to any process in which electronic data is sought, located, secured, and searched with the intent of using it as evidence in a civil or criminal legal case. (Will soon just be, “Discovery”.) eDiscovery Definition History How did it begin? Old way of Discovery vs. incorporating technology. How does this make better lawyers / better law firms? What is the EDRM? What is the EDRM? Redden Matter Information Governance Information Governance Getting your electronic house in order to mitigate risk & expenses should eDiscovery become an issue, from initial creation of ESI (electronically stored information) through its final disposition. *Culling down data before even getting going* Locating potential sources of ESI & determining its scope, breadth & depth. Data Mapping (Where is everything?) Identification Identification Ensuring that ESI is protected against inappropriate alteration or destruction. LEGAL HOLDS, BABY! Legal Holds ensure data cannot be destroyed. Failure to preserve can lead to sanctions. Preservation Preservation Gathering ESI for further use in the e-discovery process (processing, review, etc.). Transferring data from a company to their legal counsel. Sometimes Digital Forensics may be used for collections (cell phones, texts, social media, etc.) Collection Collection Digital copies / collections of the following: Digital Forensics *Cell Phones (Android Issues) *Laptops *Social Media / Ephemeral Data Reducing the volume of ESI and converting it, if necessary, to forms more suitable for review & analysis. Deduplication and de-Nisting come into play. Processing Processing Evaluating ESI for relevance & privilege. (What've we got here?) Review Review Evaluating ESI for content & context, including key patterns, topics, people & discussion. Analysis Analysis Delivering ESI to others in appropriate forms & using appropriate delivery mechanisms. Production Production Displaying ESI before audiences (at depositions, hearings, trials, etc.), especially in native & near-native forms, to elicit further information, validate existing facts or positions or persuade an audience. Presentation Presentation Cloud-Based / Not land-locked programs. Really, how does it work? Really, how does it work? Speed, baby! Creative edits without worry of spoliation Mistake made? Start over. Share w/Colleagues through the magic of the web. Electronic Atmosphere is Magic Used Correctly, can help compete on level grounds. NYC vs. Indy vs. Cincy vs. Louisville vs. Lexington Market / Who's In? Market / Who's In? Where are you in the industry with your ESI education? Are your members satisfied? Are you utilizing technology to grow your firms' business? Fear of technology? Honest Questions: Honest Questions: In-House Vs. Farming it Out. Options for Law Firms Options for Law Firms Pros: Control all data. Only 1 cost per year. No middle-man. Cons: Security burden. Cost demands workflow. Latest and Greatest Tools and Analytics. Co-Counsel's other platforms. In-House In-House Pros: Pricing Per Matter or MSA options. May be able to pass through to clients. Data hosted elsewhere = less security risk. No Licensing / Software fees. Latest and Greatest! Cons: Using a middle-man. Possible Communication issues between parties (#1 complaint). Farming it Out Farming it Out How does this make you better lawyers / How does this make your firm a better firm? Why?? Why?? Story #1 "$100,000 Firing" Story #2 "Uncommon Growth" Clients are no longer going to use the old system and tolerate firms that are inefficient with their law practices. Speed, Efficiency and Security Speed, Efficiency and Security Talented Superstars on the rise are attracted to firms that embrace technology and grow because of it. Modern Firms are Sexy / Grow Much Faster Modern Firms are Sexy / Grow Much Faster Questions so far? Halftime! Halftime! Platforms What Platforms are out there? Relativity Xera LogicKull NextPoint IPRO CasePoint Summation Platforms Do they work well together? (NO!) Analytics added in. Pricing (We'll get to that) Differences? Differences? Emerging Trends / Tools and Analytics Emerging Trends / Tools and Analytics T.A.R. (Technology Assisted Review) - Sometimes called Predictive Coding NexLP - Actually measures emotional intelligence in the batch Brainspace - Tool to make review as aesthetically pleasing as possible to reviewer based on patterns. A.I. (How Skynet Starts) A.I. (How Skynet Starts) Pricing How do Service Providers make money? Law firms are conditioning their clients to get used to this expense. This efficiency is cost of doing business. What about pass-throughs to the clients and how does that work? Pricing Processing fee Workstation fee Custodian fee Hosting fee Production fee (often based on hourly rate) Common Charges Common Charges Ingestion fee Training fee Cold Storage fee ESI

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