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Dental Treatment Presentation Template

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Dental Treatment Presentation

Transcript: Patient Background Initial Dental Assessment The patient presented with severe decay and gum disease, requiring immediate intervention. Introduction Presenting the success story of transforming a patient's dental health. Impact of Dental Treatments Dental treatments can significantly improve oral health and restore confidence. CLINICAL COMPREHENSIVE CASE Treatment Process Highlighting the procedures performed on the patient. Comprehensive Dental Procedures The treatment process involved a combination of cleanings, fillings, and a root canal to address the patient's dental issues effectively. presented by : Hagar Sherif AbdElfattah ID : 19103167 Group : I Unit : 40 Transformation in Oral Health The treatment resulted in a significant enhancement of the patient's oral health and aesthetics, showcasing a remarkable transformation. Results and Recommendations Showcasing the outcomes of the treatment and providing post-treatment guidance. Patient Background Patient Background case history dental history Case History Personal History: Name: Medhat Awad Age: 32 Gender: Male Occupation: Builder Social status: Married Patient registration #: 23111338 ASA Classification : Dental History Dental History Dental surgery Extraction of upper left 5 Allergy to anesthetic agents NO Fillings & RCT Amalgam filling in both #16,#26, RCT for #15 Orthodontic treatment NO Prosthetic appliances NO TMD NO Xerostomia NO Periodontal disease NO Chief complaint Discomfort due to extraction & the need to preserve his teeth Oral Habits

Hemophilia + dental treatment

Transcript: People with hemophilia have lower clotting factor levels of plasma or impaired coagulation factors needed for a proper clotting process. So when their blood vessels are injured, a clot can begin to form but the missing coagulation factors prevent fibrin formation, which is necessary to maintain a blood clot. The risks for patients with blood disorders, such as hemophilia needs to be carefully assessed before treatment to ensure that procedures can be carried out safely, so dental emergencies can be prevented. What is hemophilia? a group of genetic disorders that impairs the body's ability to control blood clotting. hemophilia A - genetic deficiency in clotting factor 8, which is an essential blood clotting protein hemophilia B - rarer than hemophilia A, deficiency in clotting factor 9 gene Management of patients depends on the severity of their disorder, mild, moderate, or severe and the invasiveness of the procedure. If the procedure has limited invasiveness and the patient has a mild bleeding disorder, only slight or no modifications will be required. Overall, It is essential to prevent accidental damage to the gingiva and mucosa by cautious use of any instruments and things like the saliva ejector. Damage to tissues that cause bleeding can escalate into dental emergencies if bleeding can not be stopped, or controlled. What exactly does this mean? Pre-treatment A hemophiliac does not bleed more intensely than a person without, but can bleed for a much longer period of time. Even minor injuries can result in blood loss for days or weeks. In conclusion Hemophiliacs compared to non hemophiliacs Dental teams must be aware of the impact of bleeding disorders on the management of their patients. Proper medical and dental evaluation is necessary to determine the severity of the patient's disorder, so necessary action can be taken before and during treatment. During Dental treatment There are number of pre-med options when dealing with hemophiliac pts depending on the severity of their condition. Mouth rinses that support clot formation can be used in patients with mild disorders. Ex. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid, Tranexamic acid. In more severe cases, patients can be placed on blood factor replacements Hemophilia Hemophilia and Dental Treatment

dental treatment options

Transcript: Zoom out for more assets Asset library B Disdvantages of dental bridges requires enamel modification to fix the bridge A DENTAL BRIDGES Fixed dental restoration SUPPORT TEETH IMPROVED AESTHETICS Fixed partial dentures or bridges provide support by anchoring replacement teeth to adjacent natural teeth or implants. C Bridges enhance the appearance of the smile by replacing missing teeth with natural-looking prosthetics. B different types of removable partial dentures Removable PARTIAL DENTURES Replacing few missing teeth NATURAL LOOK Economical SOLUTION Designed to blend in with natural teeth, giving a seamless appearance. can be cleaned by the pateint Removable partial dentures also provide a temporary treatment option until a fixed treatment is planned Fixed partial dentures Unfold your main topic here A A Go into detail here B Only few teeth missing in the mouth Removable or Fixed options available here Add your topic here Add another thought here C A It can be either removable or fixed in the mouth A Unfold your main topic here Add your topic here ALL TEETH ARE MISSING B COMPLETE DENTURE An artificial tooth that replaces all missing teeth in the mouth B FuNCTION ESTHÉTIQUE helps in chewing food Restores natural smile and appearance of the face Go into detail here QUALITÉ COMFORTABLE gives a moral boost and confidence drastically improves the quality of life by helping them chew and speak better C fixed option is by placement of one or more implants C Add another thought here Understanding the available options for missing teeth can help you make an informed decision about your dental care. Explore different dental treatments to restore missing teeth and improve oral health. What are the treatment options for missing teeth?

Dental Presentation

Transcript: Oral Surgery: the branch of dentistry that involves but is not limited to TOOTH EXTRACTIONS and mainly focuses on REMOVING INFECTIONS and preventing them from spreading. What is used: nitrous oxide (AKA LAUGHING GAS), anesthetics (needles), drills, extraction tools Why you might need to go there: wisdom teeth extraction, removal and repair of oral irregularities. India Chile Works Cited Periodontics: the branch of dentistry concerned with the prevention and treatment of diseases that are in the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. Perio=around & odon=tooth. How do diseases in the gum occur: NOT BRUSHING YOUR TEETH ON TIME What happens when you dont brush your teeth on time: loss in tooth and bone structure, bleeding in the gums (thats not supposed to happen!), and well....this... General Dentistry: a compilation of all specialties in dentistry AKA your average family dentist. Why come here: Regular biannual check-up, no referral required, most available type of dentist. Orthodontics: the branch of dentistry involved in restoring and preventing dental and facial irregulatities AKA maloclussion (another word for bad bites such as an “overbite” and “underbite”) Most common treatment plan: BRACES, expanders, RETAINERS Suggestions for avoiding braces: DONT suck on your thumb (causes and open bite) Oral Surgery Toothville Periodontics Various Branches of Dentistry Orthodontics General Dentistry Mongolia

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