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World War 1 Presentation

Transcript: After many years of fighting, the British Navy blockaded Germany. Because of this, Germans unleashed their submarines, called U Boats, and destroyed British ships. Then they destroyed a British passenger ship, killing 128 Americans. Soon after, Britain intercepted a German message to the German ambassador in Mexico. The Western Front was the line of trenches that were defending France from German assault. The Western front was an important front during World War 1 because it was the only thing protecting France. Winning the War Following the signing of the Treaty of Versailles Germany's territory decreased a lot. This and many other reasons caused the Nazis to come to power and start World War 2. Soon after Germany declared war on Russia, Germany invaded Belgium. After that, Britain and Italy declared war on Germany. Soon it was the Central-Powers vs The Allies. The Central powers were Germany and Austria-Hungary. The allies were Britain, Italy, Serbia, and the Soviet Union [Russia]. The United States did not join the allies until April 6, 1917. The allies embraced the help of hundreds of American soldiers landing in Europe. This really turned the tide of the war for the allies. After Napolean's defeat, Europe endured a long period of peace. But tensions accord in certain countries. These tensions were... After many years of war, the Central Powers started peace talks. On November 11, 1918 the Central Powers and the Allies signed the Treaty of Versailles. The Western Front Here is a video taken at the First Battle of Somme. Sorry it is in Lego. The real life films were really cruddy. By: Tyler Ford WAR!!! Tensions In Europe Sparks Fly in Austria One of these tensions were nationalism. Many people had a strong feeling of nationalism about there countries. Nationalism means that people have a strong feeling about there country. After the Serbs in Austria-Hungary declared their independance, the archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austria-Hungary throne and his wife were shot and killed by a Serb. Soon after, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. After that, Russia, Serbia's ally, declared war on Austria-Hungary. In return Germany declared war on Russia. This is a Rifle used in World War 1 Militaryism The End Horrors of the War The War Ends WORLD WAR 1 America Enters the War The letter to Mexico stated that if Mexico allied itself to Germany, it would regain lost land in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. This angered President Woodrow Willson, and after the sinking of 4 American merchant ships, he asked the Congress for a declaration of war. America had entered the war. Before World War 1, many countries wanted empires. So they raced to set up colonies in Africa and Asia. Soon, Europe was building up its army and started making alliances. An alliance is an agreement between to countries to help each other during war. Militaryism is when countries build up their military. I hope liked my Prezi on World War 1. Nationalism Germany Loses It The German Letter to Mexico

World War 1 Presentation

Transcript: Economically and Politically Unstable Germany: Rising to power in an economically and politically unstable Germany, Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist (Nazi Party) rearmed the nation and signed strategic treaties with Italy and Japan to further his ambitions of world domination. World War II begins. President Wilson received strong support when he announced a policy of "Neutrality". He urged all Americans to be "neutral in fact as well as in name, to be impartial in thought as well in action". Wilson hoped that the United States would be able to negotiate a settlement to the conflict. He pursued this goal throughout 1915 and 1916, but without success. The U.S. remained neutral in action, but few of its citizens were impartial in thought. Some 28 million Americans...this was nearly 30 percent of the population were either immigrants or the children of immigrants. Some Americans of Austrian, German, Hungarian or Turkish backgrounds sympathized with the Central Powers. Many more backed the Allies because of common language and culture which bound us back to Great Britain. World War I Pilot Aces Manfred von Richthofen (German Red Baron) Edward "Eddie" Rickenbacker (American) Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism and Imperialism Surrender, Reparations and Psychological Effects Germany (1917): The Germans surrendered and signed the "Treaty of Versailles" in Paris. This document had a clause in it "War Guilt Clause", which spelled out that Germany took all of the blame for the war and would pay for all damages to property in the form of "Reparations". Psychological Effects: Psychological effects after the war did not stop with the signing with the "Treaty of Versailles". Political, Cultural, and Social Order Strategies of Germany's Military Austria-Hungary quickly declare war on Serbia. Germany immediately offered its support from Kaiser Wilhelm II Ruler of Germany. Russia, with a large Slav population of its own , was compelled to honor its alliance with Serbia. The Allied Powers of Britain, France and Russia were up against the Central Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. Italy remained neutral until 1915, the U.S. until 1917 both joined the Allied Powers. Eventually some 30 nations took sides in what became know as the "Great War". Mustard Gas (Poison) Submarines Gas Masks British Tank Trench Warfare Twentieth Century World History Causes of World War l Militarism: The mindset of relying on ones military power and being prepared for aggressive attacks. Having a standing army, navy, for the purposes of defending the nation/country from invaders....Mobilization. Alliances: These alliances were made in attempt to protect themselves from invasion by hostile countries or groups. Examples are: "Triple Entente Countries" Britain, France, Russia "Triple Alliance Countries" Austria-Hungry, Germany, Italy Nationalism: This led to increase competition between the nations of Europe. Imperialism: Which led to resentment amongst smaller European countries References United States Enters the War in Europe April 6, 1917. For these reasons: RMS Lusitania: On May 7, 191 less than a year after World War I (1914-1918) erupted across Europe, a German U-Boat torpedoed and sank the RMS Lusitania, a British ocean liner en route from New York to Liverpool, England. A civilian passenger liner with 1900 passengers and crew perished with over 1,100 civilians/crew including amongst the dead were 128 Americans. Zimmerman Note: A secret telegram sent on January 16, 1917, by German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmerman to Count Johann Von Bernstorf, the German Ambassador to the U.S. In it Zimmerman, said that in the event of war with the U.S., Mexico should be asked to enter the war as a German ally, in turn Germany promised to re-patriot to Mexico the lost territories of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona. British intelligence intercepted and deciphered the telegram and sent it to President Wilson, who released it on March 1, 1917 to the press. These two events led to the turn of U.S. public opinion against Germany during WWI, and strengthened the advocates of U.S. entry into the war. War was declared by the Senate on April 4, 1917. and the House two days later. United States Home Front Prior to World War I and During the War War Reaches a Stalemate World War 1 World War I/ Updated: Feb 26, 2010. World War Articles, Videos, Pictures and Facts The Causes and Effects of World War I [PDF] WWI: Causes and Effect - University of South Carolina Libraries pdf‎The Great War . Educational Resources . Lesson Plan 1 | PBS Findley, C.V. & Rothney, J.A. (2011). Twentieth-century world. (7th ed.), Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc., New York, NY. Franz Joseph June 1914-

World War 1 Presentation

Transcript: We have news that the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife have been assassinated on June 28, 1914. This assassination has seemed to been blamed on the Serbian Government. Later on that day Gavrillo Princip was arrested for being responsible for the assassination. (The Gaurdian) During the Great War Italy was very humiliated. Italy seemed to loose a lot of money from the war and had only been in war for three years. The war cost more than 50 years worth of spending from the government, were also suffering a high unemployement rate.Italy didnt take this as a problem because they thought that they were going to get a good reward resulting from the win at Versailles, but believed wrong and were ignored. "Italy and World War One". 2014. Web. In the war there was a lot of new technology used such as: Gas attacks, New Rifles, Machine Guns, and etc. During the war there were pits in the ground called trenches where soldiers would stay in until it was time to fight. They would often fight from inside the trenches for protection. The Allies used 4 different types of trenches. A firing trench, communication trench, support trench, and a reserve trench. These trenches were used for sending messages, producing supplies, attacking, others and also emergency appliances. Another way that was used to fight was a gas attack. A gas attack was when a poisones gas was released to kill the opposing soldiers and the side that released the gas would put on gas mask to avoid being affected by the gas. Gas Attacks were very affective in the war and of course very deadly. Incidents of American Involvement Safe World - "For the Rights of Nations great and small and the privilage of men everywhere to choose their way of life and obedience. The world must be made safe for Democracy," this is a quote said by President Wilson in a speach he gave. President Wilson had to make a great decision on going into war. Making this decision wasn't easy, but was very powerful. American Expeditionary Force - These were Armed Forces sent to Europe by the command of the General to help fight in the war. Battles American Soldiers were Involved In - Battles of The Somme, Battle of Belleau Wood were two battles in the World War that involded the United States. World War 1 finally came to an end on November 11, 1918 at 11:00 pm. The war ended to a ceasefire called by the Germans and the signing of an armistice between the Allies. These meant that a truce was declared by all parties. Another form of peace made was the Treaty of Versailles which was signed five years after the death of Archduke Ferdinand, and to finally conclude the war the League of Nations was created. The League of Nations was created to make sure that war never broke out again. Lafayette Escadrille - Started April of 1916, and was the most famous form of sympathy shown by the Americans. 38 American Pilots took down 57 German planes in 20 months. Lusitania Sinks - German ship shoots a torpedo and sinks the Lusitania. This was a ship only for vacations with nearly 2,000 members aboard. German thought the ship was full of Ammo to attack them. This caused America to go into war. Zimmerman Note - This was a not that proposed to Mexico from German Empire offering military alliance, because of the United States joining the war against Germany. $1.25 Thursday, May 14, 2015 End Of Presentation The Battle of Cambrai - This battle began in 1917, with the Britains and Germans. The Britains had a secret weapon (which were tanks) to breach German lines and farther through. The Battles of the Marne - This battle began in 1914 and ended in 1918. The French stopped Germany from passing through Belgium and Northern France. After Fours years of fight Germany was in the same spot they started in. The Battles of Ypres - This battle turned out to have several dead men on both sides of the fight by the end. About 250,000 men were lost during this battle. Many men drowned in liquid mud from the weather throught that year Incidents of American Involvement World War 1 Battles In Europe Assassinations and Change Harlem Hell Fighters - These African American Soldiers fought for our country and spent the most time in combat were very brave. These heroes faced racism and segregation when returning home from war, despite how long and hard they fought for the United States. Eddie Rickenbacker - Eddie Rickenbacker was an American Ace that fought in the war obtaining 26 aeriel victories and also a Medal of Honor Recipient. Before joining the U.S Army he was a worlds best race car driver and soon

World War 1 Presentation

Transcript: Battle of Paschendaele World War 1 Main Battles Battle of Somme Introduction - One of the petrifying wars would be the Battle of Passchendaele - Known as the Third Battle of Ypres - 848,614 total casualties (estimate) - Took place on Western Front (June---→November) - Purpose: Remove German’s from high ground/ Destroy their submarine bases - War postponed due to quagmire and morass of mud - Despite little success, 325,000 Allied and 260,000 German Casualties ----------------Battle of the Somme---------------- ----------------Battle of the Passchendaele-------------- - One of the most significant slaughterhouse battles of the World War 1-> the battle of Somme - Started on 1st of July 1916 - Ended on the 13th of November 1916 The Battle of the Somme happened near the Western Front, south of Arras and north of the Somme River. -Casualty of one million two hundred nineteen thousand and two hundred and one, one of the most devastating skirmish ever. -The British prepared for the offensive with a monumental artillery barrage and diversionary attack on the German lines (hoping to demolish the German defense, to enable Britain’s army to break through. - Unfortunately, failed miserably, having the suffering of 60,000 British casualties in a day - The most detrimental and greatest single day loss of lives in the history of the British Army. - The Allies lost a total of 623,906 casualties in this battle, 100 tanks and 782 aircrafts. - This war has caused the German’s to withdraw 40 miles (a huge factor towards the Allies final victory in 1918). The Battle of the Somme was the critical battle that generated horror into the minds of people when thinking of the World War 1. 1914-1917 Major battles in the World War 1

Presentation-----World War 1

Transcript: June 5, 1944 I wish we could have electric light and heat in the countryside. money you could cash my war bonds anything you want to. 1. Does the Great Depression affect your family's life? 5. What do you expect to change about lives in the countryside? I just took a shower and it feels so good. Everyone is writing a letter to their home, because Commander Shepard just told us that we will have a fight tomorrow. The Great Depression changed the life of my family. In the countryside, families don't have heat, light or indoor bathrooms like people who lived in town. Many farm families raised most of their own food – eggs and chickens, milk and beef from their own cows, and vegetables from their gardens. No one had any money, we were all in the same boat. life is hard. but at least, I can still feed my family. 2. How about your farms? Thank you! Neighbors helped each other through hard times, sickness, and accidents. Farm families got together with neighbors at school programs, church dinners, or dances. Children and adults found ways to have fun for free – playing board games, listening to the radio, or going to outdoor movies in town. We make our own food. 4. What does people do to get through those hard times? Some people lost hope and moved away. Many young men took government jobs building roads and bridges. They went to the cities to look for a job, but the situation is the same. The Great Depression messed up everything. Soldier Diary D-DAY No.88 Nick's road, Nickmondhill N8I C8K Canada I have to make this letter short, the postman is waiting for us. Tomorrow is gonna rain. Hope it's not a heavy rain The attack is on tomorrow morning. I heard of that there will be over 200 thousands allied soldiers with us. The beginning of the Great Depression The View From the Farms & Letter home from a Canadian soldier. Letter home from a Canadian soldier We will win this damn war and I promised that I will be back home soon. Sorry Mom, I gotta go. The commander is calling to us. Take care of yourselves and my young brother. I've never seen him once since he was born. One of your loving sons , David 1930's Dear Mom: I just want to tell you that I'm fine. Hope you and Dad are in the best of health, too. How's everything going in the home? Does my young brother study hard in the school? Thinking/Inquiry Kerosene lamp Better situation We will board on some ships and go to the Normandy Beach. Everything is gonna be fine. Don't worry about me and don't forget if you ever need The View From the Farms Weather is terrible in 1930's. The dryness, heat, and grasshoppers destroyed the crops, farmers were left with no money to buy groceries or make farm payments. The most horrible weather is the sand storm. It happens a lot in these years. Some people got "dust pneumonia". We don't have money to go to the hospital and the nearest hospital is in the town. 3. If you can't get money from farming, what did you plan to do? Presentation-----World War II

World war 1 presentation

Transcript: Destinee, G World War 2 Slideshow A Adolf Hitler: Was leader of the Nazi party and leader of Germany during World War 2. Adolf Hitler was responsible for the thousands of deaths throughout World War 2. B Blitzkrieg All mechanized, force concentration of tanks, infantry, artillery, and air power concentrating overwhelming force and rapid speed to break through enemy lines. Used by Germany. Blitzkrieg was also known as "lighting war" C Churchill, Winston A british politician, statesmen, and prime minister known for his leadership of the united kingdom during the second World War 2. Churchill was known as a great leader. D D-Day Major Allie operation, The invasion of nazi occupied Normandy. Many lives were lost, But D-Day was successful. In charge of american troops in the european theater of World war 2. Eisenhower was later elected as a president. Eisenhower, Dwight D E A mechanical device designed to protect a long controllable stream of fire. The flamethrower was very helpful in clearing japanese trenches and for that reason was thought of highly in the U.S Flamethrower F Taken over by the nazis party, Germany led the axis powers in ruthless campaigns. Germany was responsible for starting world war 2. Germany G One of the sites where the atomic bomb was dropped, over 60,000 people were killed when the bomb dropped. Hiroshima H Allied with the axis powers during world was 2, Italy helped Germany throughout the war. Italy I Juno beach was the code, name of one of the five main landing sites of the allied invasion of the coast of Normandy on the D-Day during world war 2. Juno beach was assigned to the canadians during the D-Day invasion. Juno Beach J Were suicide attacks by military aviators from the empire of japan against allied naval vassals in the closing stages of the pacific campaign of world war 2, Designed to destroy as many warships as possible, Kamikaze pilots were often given drugs such as meth. Kamikaze: K Was the name of the program under which the united states of America supplied the United kingdom, the soviet union, China, France and other allied nations with vast amounts of war material between 1941-1945. The lend-Lease program really upset Germany. Lend Lease L A line of concrete fortifications, Tank obstacles, artillery case mates, machine gun post, and other defenses , Which France constructed along its border with Germany and Italy. Maginot Line M An explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either Fission or a combination of fission and fusion. The nuclear bombs killed over 100,000 people total in Japan. Nuclear Weapons N Was the code name for the operation that launched the invasion of German-occupied western Europe during world war 2 by allied forces. Canada, Great Britain, and The U.S all fought together during the operation overload. Operation overload O Paratroopers were usefull, but they were sitting ducks while their in the air. Patatrooper: Paratroopers are soldiers trained in parachuting and generally operate as part of an airbase force P president roosevelt was in attendence in confridence. Quebec confrence: Was a highly secret military confrence heild during world war 11 between the british, Canadian and united states governemnt Q He at first was working with hitler. Stalin: The leader Of the U.S.S.R during world war S He led america though almost the entire war. Roosevelt, Franklin: President of the united stated during world war, R U-Boats were very useful in destroying, full sized enemy vessels. U-Boat; Military submarines operated by germany, Particulary in world war 1 and world war 2. U He learned about the manhattan project after he gained presidency. Truman, Harry S; Took over the presidency after FDR: Passed away T V-Mail, Was short for victory mail V-Mail- Mail delivered between those at home in the united states, and troops serving aboard during world war. V war bonds were frequently in America during this time period, War bonds- Debt securities issued by the gov't for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war.

World war 1 presentation

Transcript: Around 116,000 American were killed They would disguise tanks as water tanks Work cited Differences in foreign policies were to blame, although the immediate cause was the assassination of Austria’s Archduke Ferdinand. The two main sides were the Allies, which included France, Great Britain and Russia; and Germany and Austria-Hungary. "World War 1: Facts and Information." World War 1: Facts and Information. 29 May 2013. Web. 4 Dec. 2015. <>. The canons they used were very loud You could hear them for miles The US was in the war for about 7 months Total of 30 countries were involved By the end of WW1, over 9 million soldiers had been killed, and another 21 million wounded Over a million soldiers were killed in the infamous Battle of the Somme alone, including about 30,000 in just one day. thousands suffered from stress, known as shell-shock Around 11 percent of the population of France was killed or wounded during the war World War 1 began on July 28, 1914 and lasted until November 11, 1918. male tanks had cannons and female tanks had machine guns. World war 1 presentation by: Bryanna cox Many new weapons were invented or first used during World War 1 Big Bertha was the most famous weapon that was used. it was a 48 ton gun capable of firing a shell over 9 miles. On Christmas Eve, 1914, both sides declared an unofficial truce and sang Christmas carols to each other Pigeons and dogs were used during the war Pigeons would bring back messages The dogs were used to carry the messages in capsules Dogs also carried and placed telegraph wires in important areas.

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