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Red And Black Presentation Template

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Red, White and Black:

Transcript: On July 17th, 1862 President Lincoln declared African Americans could serve in the U.S. military by issuing the Second Confiscation and Militia Act African Americans were not allowed to engange in combat unitl the Emancipation Proclamation The Importance of Different Racial Groups Different racial groups played a key role in the Civil War African Americans fought for the North, which enraged southerners, Hispanics fought for both sides and Native Americans became scouts and giudes. More than 10,000 served in the Civil War Both the Union and Confederate had hispanic Americans fighting for them, but most regiments were in the Confederate Army because most of them lived in the Southwest of the U.S. The highest known rank of a hispanic american was admiral of the Union Navy African Americans Native Americans 200,000 served in the Union army and navy and were paid less than white men and they could not become officers The United States Colored troops suffered discrimination even though they volunteered Most were placed as factory and construction workers and did not see combat They were given wore down clothes and equipment that the white soldiers did not want When used in battle, they were seen as targets and were put on the frontlines Sources Hispanic Americans Most supported the Confederacy because the union troops abandoned the forts in indian territory making them more vulnerable to the confederacy Some Native Americans owned slaves The ones who remained loyal to the Union were only allowed to fight in indian territory for fear they would turn against white men when armed Many were guides and scouts They joined the armies for they were promised to get their homelands back if that side won Race in the Civil War By: Kelsie Owens and Chance Osborne

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