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Electronic Poster Presentation Template

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Electronic Poster

Transcript: Earth revolves around the sun once per year, the axis of rotation points in the same direction throughout the yearly year. The heat and solar energy provides a lot of things for the earth. Nutation It is the rotation of the solid Earth around its own axis. The main results of Earth's rotation are day and night. Earth's path about the galaxy The earth moves around the galaxy in a circular path around the sun. Precession Barycenter The seasons in the Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere are detewrmined by the amount of sunlight they get. The sun's energy affect food webs on earth. References Solar energy essential to plants The sun produce energy which is transferred to the earth by radiation. photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli A rocking swaying or nodding motion in the axis of rotation. The seasons in the southern heimisphere opposite to those in the northern hemisphere. The suns energy affects the food web because if the sun was not here everything that is living would die out at some point Revolution of the earth around the sun Are non-rotating cordinates with origin at the center of mass of two or more bodies. -Wikipedia - - - - - - - - - Electronic Poster Explain the rotation of the Earth Energy is essential to plants because solar energy comes from the sun and the sun helps things grow like plants A change in the orientation of the rational axis of a rotating body. Earth experiences precession because it undergoes gravity.

Electronic Poster

Transcript: Why Study History? Industrialization lead to large changes in education and society. Industrialization and technology lead to urbanization which lead to development of social institutions such as charities, reform groups and governmental entities. Industrialization and urbanization lead to social division of labor, class conflict, and a need for a secondary education. (Rury,p 4-9) Cultural capitol-gaining status from knowing how to behave in certain situations Social Status -gaining status through association in a social group.. Human Capitol -- the ability of some groups to gain status through knowledge. Ideologies, such as racism and sexism, are beliefs and ideas; culture is patterns of behavior -- both affect relationship between culture and education. (rury p. 9-15) Urbanization lead to small rural schools being consolidated into larger schools. Industrialization lead to curricular differentiation. Education became an instrument to assign people to social roles. Education became a potent poltical issue. (Rury, p 17-18) In the 19th century schools were coeducational, providing boys and girls educational opportunityies. Female enrollment grew until girls outnumbered boys. Women also attended academies, high schools and colleges. These changes could have lead to first women's rights movement. After Civil War education of African Americans increased. An elite educated population could have contributed to effective challenges to racism and discrimination in 20th century. (Rury,p 19) Many people compare studying history to reading a story. One must remember that the story must be confirmed with facts gathered from the period of time being studied. New evidence will be uncovered making the ideas presented in Rury's book obsolete. Dates and names are presented not for memorizing but to help readers gain perspective. (Rury, p 21-22) Introduction: History, Social Change, and Education (Chapter 1) Angie Lakey-Campbell Educational Change: Historical Perspective Northwest Nazarene University History & Social Change The Evolution of American Education Thinking about Social Change Schools Changing Society Rury, J.L. (2005) Education and social change: Themes in the history of American schooling (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates A Final Word About History References: We believe our time is unique Difficult to comprehend changes in present History offers perspective to understand change (Rury, p 2-4)

Electronic Poster

Transcript: Electronic Poster Made by Sonia Natarajan Reading I Read The 57 Bus because it's a very popular book, and it seemed very interesting. The book is based on a true story, and spreads awareness about gender equality. This activity has taught me about Sasha's story, and how gender discrimination is a very serious issue in our society. R The 57 Bus Entertainment I watched The Help and Hidden Figures because it is about racial equality, and that is really important to me. While I was watching these movies, I was so angry about how the people of color in the movies were being treated. This activity has taught me more about segregation, and how you should stand up for what you believe in. E The Help Hidden Figures History H I researched Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks because they were the greatest leaders during the civil rights movement. I always read books and articles about Rosa Parks and MLK when I was in elementary school, and I wanted to do some more research on it so I could refresh my memory. This activity has taught me more about the civil rights movement and segregation. MLK Rosa Parks Universal U For this activity, I picked a quote by Dr.Seuss and Arthur Ashe. I picked these quotes because they are uplifting, and they remind me to never give up. The Dr.Suess quote reminds me to always look at the good in a negative situation. I have dealt with OCD for my entire life, and I like to think that it made me stronger. If you have a positive mindset, you can live a happier life. This activity has taught me that I don't have to push myself, and that I can take one step at a time. Dr.Seuss Arthur Ashe Government I chose to research about the Arlington Welfare League of Arlington and AFAC. I decided to research these organizations because they are very important in Arlington. This activity has reminded me to do community service, and that these organizations have helped people and animals so much. G AFAC AWLA Opinion I decided to reseach about abortion, and artiticles that are prochoice. For this assignment, you also have to research the counterarguement (prolife), and I thought that was a very smart way to teach us how to look at both sides of the arguement. This activity taught me more about abortion, and how to look at both sides to make my arugement better. O Pro-Choice Pro-Life Overall Impact Through my REHUGO activities, I was able to expand my knowledge of racial equality, gender equality, abortion rights, and much more. These activities have inspired me to volunteer at the animal shelter, read more, and look at life in a positive way. I am so glad that Dr.Leask had us do REHUGO throughout the year. REHUGO!!!

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