Transcript: FOOD SIGN UP Sliders - Miranda Lumpia - Miranda Road Map WALKIE TALKIES Smoothies Vegetarian Options ?? Ice Cream / Popsicles ( Otter Pops ) Chips (Small Bags ; Variety Pack) Etiquette Genetics Chemicals Fruit ; NO Cantaloupe ( Don't You DARE ! ) No shit talking Dont change the channels Be gentle with them Tunnel Vacs 1 - 4 Lifestyle Infection Waving Bear Wrap up your presentation quickly Summarize each point you made Give quick call-backs so your audience remembers Locations Stations Make it clear this is the end SHIFT ROTATIONS Examining cells and tissues Dive deep into your first point or make a new one Limit your words so your audience stays focused Use visuals to help Make this anything Title chart A final point, a quote, more context — adapt the template to fit your needs. Remember that your presentation is almost done, so keep it simple. Prius/ Teslas Have conversations with prius drivers and Teslas, inform them before entering the tunnel