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Business Pitch Template

Transcript: What are our clients saying? Custom Apps “Busivid has among the most promising mobile content and cloud based video production and distribution systems I’ve come across.” Image Library Assets Businesses $20,000 Professional Services boom boom video Jason Putnam Business Customer (B2B or B2C) Brand Competitive Differentiators 36 Online Business Learning Courses BUSINESS $15,500 Content Delivery Network worlds fastest video production system Summary The visionary for the Busivid suite of solutions Steve has successfully patented, launched and sold his products in the US before. His ability to identify market trends with technology solutions has resulted in award-winning business recognition and successful exits. Revolutionary CDN Platform Digital Agencies Marketing Consultants Business Coaches SEO Experts Traditional Videographers (Getty, iStock, Dissolve) Brainshark Targeted Online Marketing Busivid automates the production and distribution of video. On-Demand Video Publishing Digital Agencies Marketing Consultants Business Coaches SEO Experts Traditional Videographers Enterprize Voice Competitors The Solution worlds first video sales messaging app $150 - $600 "Busivid empowers business with video." Customer Feedback Custom Apps How Does Busivid Make Money? Kaltura $2K - $20K Go To Market Plan 2016 Customer Segmentation Busivid Create WeVideo: $39.1M Businesses, Not-For-Profit & Government Partnerships digital video has now surpassed social media Month 3 Digital/Content Marketing Jason has over 20 years of sales experience and has spent the last decade in Executive Leadership roles. He has extensive start-up and turnaround experience in sales, marketing and business development. PITCH Production of video course content Scale online sales activity Hire enterprize sales staff Expansion of product range & stock Expand Austin Sales Office Content Marketing Driven Strategy Content (voice over, multilingual, custom music) $150 - $600 Business video is slow, complex & expensive $30/mth - Office Manager, LJH Office, Australia's best-known Real Estate brand Video Kits On-Demand Video Publishing The Problem Industry Specific Webinars - Marketing Manager, Reach Local Revolutionary CDN Platform Animoto Solution (Getty, iStock, Dissolve) Size of Market: 200M + businesses in US Competitive Differentiators 20% Growth - Month on Month Style WHAT DO WE NEED? Avg 8yr LTV ~ $10K - $2M Video Kits - Brett Watkins, Telstra AVG $2K - $20K A highly scalable post-production system in the cloud that assembles & streams finished videos on-demand. Animoto: $30M Busivid automates video production in the cloud to reduce time, complexity and cost by up to 80% Professional Services "Busivid has helped bridge communication in our office. Staff are 4 times more likely to open the email if a video is included." WeVideo Busivid Direct (voice over, multilingual, custom music) Mobile-Centric Solution Helen contributes her ability to work with people, build lasting teams and client relationships. The quintessential marketeer, Helen’s Ad Agency produced award winning corporate videos for over a decade for a selection of Australia’s Fortune 500 companies. Busivid Corporation 4025 Duval Rd #2135 Austin, TX 78759 (512) 568-4998 Automotive & Machinery Commercial Hosting Subscriptions 143% increase in online video Business Model Image Library Assets CONTACT US: Realtor vidyard $24,000 Subscriptions Brightcove "I would like to let you guys know that the Busivid system is working excellent in our office.We have had some amazing feedback from customers and vendors and I believe this product is an advantage for our office in our sales area." Helen Mitchell Online/Telephone Sales Team Steven Mitchell Month 1 Month 2 General Business Vidyard: $43.7M $30/mth 60% viewing on mobile device Traction & Engagement $3M Equity Funding Digital/Content Marketing Subscription Based SaaS Music Michael Kent Partnerships QUMU Videolicious Commercial Hosting Scott is a financial executive with 20 years experience in corporate finance as CFO and Corporate Controller with 6 years in business development and merger & acquisition activities. His talent with financial leadership & problem solving is a distinct asset to the team. Team Mobile-Centric Solution Michael has over 21 years experience in management, finance, business operations & accounting. Michael has spent the last 5 years as CFO for a large privately owned group of companies. He has managed Busivid's angel round funding and has been the lead investor. Market THANK YOU

Pitch Deck Template 17December2012

Transcript: Slide #5: The Current Problem (2) Slide #15: The Ask! A pitch deck cannon crescendo without a clear ask-- aka what you are looking for... What size investment are you looking for? How long does it get you? How will you spend it? What are goals before raising the next round? How else can the investors help? This is commonly overlooked but easy to create! Slide #1: The Big Idea (1) Logo, company image, Expanded company 1-liner and The Big Vision: Today and Tomorrow Slide #8: Your Solution. Why now? (2) Slide #6: The Current Problem (3) Slide #3: Why us? The Team: Why are you the right team for solving this problem? Include management team and advisers, investors. Include bios with key, relevant experience. Outline division of responsibilities. Think about this as an expanded AngelList team profile. Slide #2: The Big Idea (2) Slide #4: The Market... The Current Problem (1) Customer/ consumer pains? How are they solving today? Slide #14: What's The Future? 12months and Out So far, you've spend the deck outlining team, product and success to date. Now talk about what's next... And how it ties into the big vision and the fundraising ask. What are the next 12 - 24 months of : Product Performance People Finances Slide #13: Traction and Validation (3) Slide #12: Traction and Validation (2) Slide #10: Your Solution. Why now? (4) Slide #11: Traction and Validation (1) Your Product... Your Traction You've set the stage... now show off the product and traction/ validation: I want to know: Is the product resonating? Is it trending in the right direction? Engagement, Engagement, Engagement... engagement data leading to user acquisition! What are your KPIs? Goals? What are your acquisition, usage, retention metrics? Slide #9: Your Solution. Why now? (3) Slide #7: Your Solution. How will they solve with you? How is it different than market? Why Now? (1) Why is solution possible today? Why is it right for today, tomorrow? How big is the market? How big can you be? What value are you creating? Be realistic!

Business Pitch Template

Transcript: Let everyone know your progress so far Description about this team member. Just give a brief explanation of the member's experience and competencies. WHAT DO WE NEED? Member 3 Customer Put down anything that matters! Competitive Differentiators Add details, include pictures BUSINESS [Company Logo] What is your solution? Summary Description about this team member. Just give a brief explanation of the member's experience and competencies. Description about this team member. Just give a brief explanation of the member's experience and competencies. Company X Address 1 M: T: +31612345678 Meet Jane and John There should be a lot of them! Summarize the most important parts of your pitch here. Write down all of the reasons that you are better than the competition here. Business Model How are you planning to solve it? [Company Logo] Competitors CONTACT US: How is your solution solving the problem? COMPANY X "Relevant inspiring quote or slogan to end the business pitch with." Customer Feedback Member 1 Go To Market Plan Market Customer Segmentation Member 2 How many people like Jane and John are there? Are there any other people trying to make money from the same market with a similar solution? Description about this team member. Just give a brief explanation of the member's experience and competencies. PITCH Put here the explanation about what you need from the investors you are pitching to. Enter different kinds of customers How ready are you to take your solution to the market? Traction & Engagement Add some numbers here. What problem do they have? Explain as visually as you can. How old are they? Member 4 Team Solution Did any of your customers got back to you yet?

Business Pitch Template

Transcript: More and more individuals are joining in the DTC genetic testing market, let's design our clinic to meet the needs of these individuals Post position details on the NSGC website,, as well as advertise it within the OSUWMC careers page. We will advertise with two emails, spaced one month apart, to all of the NSGC members. Post the job opening and some of the benefits that come along with the job. These include: faculty status at a major research and academic medical center Involvement with teaching and supervising aspiring GC students Competitive pay and autonomy as the sole genetic counselor within the clinic And also a healthy and supportive team environment We will also let the program directors of the OSU Genetic counseling program know about the open position and ask them to share the posting with their students, as well as, any other program directors or other interested students. We will do incident to billing for these patients and the physician will be paid per diem. WHAT DO WE NEED? Assess whether or not "improving outreach of genetic results education" Ultimately, we want to empower individuals with knowledge and information of their test result We will design a survey for patients pre and post genetic counseling using a provided Ipad Gauge patients understanding before and after Measure understanding with Likert Scale Ipad includes ability to sign-up for OSU MyChart after the appointment in order for patient to ask a question in the future Aim: Patient to feel like we are their resource and no longer need to rely on just the internet to look-up genetics questions In order to build our clientele, we will post fliers within the OSU hospital as well as other local hospitals Additionally, we will “buy” the Google search terms for “direct to consumer genetics consultation” so that individuals searching for genetic services after DTC testing will be directed to our clinic online home page. Our website will be housed within the Division of Human Genetics and will consist of a webpage that briefly outlines our services, contains our contact and scheduling information and has some print resources regarding basic genetic concepts and the purpose of various DTC testing. Additionally, we will have some informational brochures made to describe our clinic and have them handed out by other OSU genetics clinics when people inquire about DTC genetics consultation. A Variant of Unknown Significance is a major content hurdle and yet, a common finding How to assess: If patients were identified that are in need of follow-up testing Medicare and Medicaid patients will be seen in conjunction with the physician who staffs the Medical Genetics clinic [GC & Me] We can be the resource to guide and empower patients who are already seeking DTC genetic testing! Summary Our Goals! Coordinate with general genetics to accept and schedule appropriate re-routing of patients Coordinate and schedule self-referrals and outside referrals Request & attain genetic test results E: T: +614-293-5000 Billing PROGRAM Focus on: Motivation for ordering DTC testing What they can expect to learn from it Limitations of DTC testing and what kinds of things people may learn that they were not expecting, while providing case examples. When providers might consider ordering this testing for their patient’s in terms of insurance issues and out of pocket expense How to interpret DTC testing results Meet Jane.... -Technavio (Market Research Reports) GC's receive patients' results or third party raw data Will perform a detailed case preparation Evaluate and review test results (ExAC, ClinVar, and additional search engines to help analyze) Review genetic testing guidelines if appropriate to offer further testing Follow-up with patient if ordering further testing Overall Flow: Receive results and/or raw data for GC case preparation Appointment will be a 1.5 hours consultation At the appointment, GC will obtain a detailed family history, perform risk assessment, provide an explanation and interpretation of the test results, and discuss the need for further testing, if necessary Discuss next steps (screening protocol, cancer risk models, referrals to counseling or specialists, etc.) Testing: Client billing based on appropriate ICD-10 and CPT codes for Genetic counselor will put an order into IHIS and send patients to the lab for a blood draw Letter will be sent and next steps for the patient and their family members The GC will send this letter to the referring physician, the patient and put a copy in the media tab of IHIS. Resources for the patient Our clinic's purpose is to serve as a resource to individuals that need an interpreter of their DTC genetic test results Keep a patient tracking document of individuals with and without variants detected by DTC resource Tabs on who elected to pursue further testing in either scenario. Were there positive results? Did medical management change? Can measure impact by keeping


Transcript: BUSINESS PITCH DECK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION COMPANY DESCRIPTION Name of Company Location and why choose this location? PURPOSE Purpose 1. Business plan is prepared 2. Amount of financing needed- RM 117,214 COMPANY BACKGROUND Company Background Main Product Characteristic of the product MARKET ANALYSIS MARKET SEGMENT MARKET TARGET TEENAGER ADULT OLD PEOPLE TARGET MARKET SIZE COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS THE CHEF BAKERY Economical FARLEY BAKERY REGGAE'S LOAF BAKERY Quality Competitors 1. Major Competitors The Chef Bakery Farley Bakery Reggae's Bakery 2. Strengths and Weakness against major competitors Market Share Sales Forecast Price Of the Product Pricing Strategic - use affordable prices Promotion Our bakery plan to adopt the strategy : -Encourage and promote our bakery to other Place/Distribution selling the products through retailer could manage to interact with customers more closely to make it easier for them to meet the needs they desire. maintain good customer relations ADMIN ADMIN PLAN VISION Continue to innovate in the baking industry to improve skills and to serve customers with top taste product. MISSION Create a bakery which makes the best and addictive baked goods, fresh daily. MANPOWER EXPERTISE ADMIN BUDGET OPERATIONAL PLAN OPERATION PLAN FEATURES FEATURES CHEESE CAKE BATIK CAKE OREO CHEESE CAKE BANANA CAKE CARAMEL PUDDING DAILY PRODUCTION PLAN 4 TO 25 UNITS PER DAY MONTHLY PRODUCTION PLAN 126 TO 756 UNITS PER MONTH MARKETING MARKETING CHEESE CAKE - SMALL - RM 12 - REGULAR - RM 60 OREO CHEESE CAKE - SMALL - RM 10 - REGULAR - RM 55 BATIK CAKE - RM 10 BANANA CAKE - RM 5 CARAMEL PUDDING - RM 3 OPERATION PROCESS MACHINERY RAW MATERIAL INVENTORY 21 INVENTORIES OF RAW MATERIAL INVENTORY TOTAL COST INVENTORY RM 2,533 FINANCIAL FINANCIAL Financial Plan Project Implementation Cost Amount Loan do we need: RM 45,597 Cash Flow Income Statement Forecast Balance Sheet Financial Performance CONCLUSION CONCLUSION

Business Horizon Pitch

Transcript: Problem Statement Recommendations on Utilizing Financial Resources Solely Focused on Small and Medium scaled Businesses Limited Research Area Few Interviews THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION! Methodology and Data sources (Interview and Survey, Secondary and Primary) Sample size = 379, cluster sampling Areas of Study (N consists of 229 respondents from online survey and 150 from field survey, with 8 interviewees) SURVEY RESULTS Recommendation on Improving Financial Availability and Capacity in Mongolia Recommendations Improve the financial information availability among entrepreneurs Foster potential venture capitalists and angel investors Expand the scale of government supports and initiatives for entrepreneurs Form an entrepreneurial alliances Marketing for image building Explore alternate funding source If not, then this DEMOGRAPHICS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Where to get funds Problem and obstacles in finding funds General Macroeconomic Stability EXPLORE THE HORIZONS... Current Business Environment Availability and Variety of Funds Sources of Fund Financial Management and Profitability Cash Flow July 11th – September 25th Discussion of the Results RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES Framework of the Study SURVEY RESULTS SURVEY RESULTS SURVEY RESULTS According to the Federal Reserve's December 2014 report, real estate is the largest asset class in the U.S. worth an estimated $40 trillion. Are you ready to explore the endless opportunities for wealth creation? BUSINESS BACKGROUND Survey Results The Sources of Funds for Aspiring and Existing Entrepreneurs and Utilizing Financial Resources to Maximize Profitability as Perceived by Small and Medium Enterprise Start up and Businessmen in Mongolia SURVEY RESULTS SURVEY RESULTS Limitation of the Study Entrepreneurial Behaviors Research Questions CONCLUSION Finance Tutoring Cash flow management improvement Exclusive SME accountant trainings SURVEY RESULTS AGENDA • Background of the research title • Problem Statement • Research objectives • Research Methodology • Main Finding • Conclusion • Recommendation • Limitation of the Study INTRODUCTION Economic Background of Mongolia Economic Growth and Obstacles Characteristics of Mongolian Private Sector Business Environment for Entrepreneurs Interview Results COMPLETE YOUR STORY CREATE YOUR OWN PLACEHOLDERS AND INSERT YOUR OWN TEXT

Business Pitch Deck Analysis

Transcript: Business Pitch Deck Analysis Key Achievements Over the years, the company has secured multiple patents and industry recognitions for its groundbreaking products. History and Background The company was founded in 2010 in Silicon Valley, with a focus on innovative technology solutions. Analyzing Key Points and Strategies Analyzing Company Overview The company overview provides a snapshot of the company's background, history, and key achievements. Understanding the Target Audience Identifying the specific demographics, preferences, and needs of the target audience is crucial for the success of the business. Demographic Analysis Analyzing age, gender, income levels, and geographic location of the target audience to tailor marketing strategies effectively. Behavioral Patterns Capital Fundraising Plan Developing a comprehensive plan for fundraising efforts to secure the required capital for business expansion and development initiatives. Understanding the consumer behavior, purchasing habits, and motivators that drive the target audience's decisions. Financial Growth Strategies Outlining sustainable growth strategies to enhance financial performance and maximize returns for shareholders and stakeholders. Investment Requirements Identifying the capital needs of the company for expansion plans and operational improvements to achieve strategic objectives. Profit & Loss Analysis Financial Risk Management Examining the projected profit and loss statement to assess the financial health and sustainability of the business. Implementing risk mitigation strategies to safeguard the business against financial uncertainties and market fluctuations. Cash Flow Management Expense Management Strategy Return on Investment (ROI) Optimizing cash flow through effective management practices to ensure liquidity and financial stability for sustained business operations. Implementing cost-effective measures to optimize expenses and improve profitability margins in the long term. Evaluating the projected return on investment to determine the profitability and efficiency of capital allocation strategies. Financial Performance Metrics Forecasting Profit & Loss Utilizing key performance indicators to monitor and evaluate the financial performance of the company against established benchmarks and goals. Analyzing the expected financial performance of the company in the coming years based on revenue and expenses. Projected Revenue Growth The revenue is projected to increase steadily over the next 5 years, driven by market expansion and product innovation strategies. Subscription Model A subscription-based model offers recurring revenue and enhances customer retention and loyalty. Analyzing Competition for Strategic Insights Direct Sales Direct sales through online platforms and partnerships with retailers contribute significantly to revenue. Diversified Revenue Streams SWOT analysis and competitor landscape are crucial for understanding the market dynamics and gaining a competitive edge. Exploring the various sources of income that drive the business forward. SWOT Analysis Competitor Landscape Identify the company's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to strategize effectively and capitalize on market potential. Examine the competitive landscape to understand key players, market positioning, and areas for differentiation. Adding final touches... Give an overview of this subject here. You can use bullet points to keep it easy to read. Fine-tuning... Expand on the bold statement above. Provide statistics, go into detail, or more — whatever works best for your presentation. Last checks... Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery and frames to keep their attention where you want it. Remember to break up your words so your audience can follow. Thinking cap on... Polishing up... Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Relate what you’re saying to the nearby image so your audience has a visual, too. Expand on the bold statement above. Provide statistics, go into detail, or more — whatever works best for your presentation. Hang on... Expand on the bold statement above Fine-tuning... A final point, a quote, more context — adapt the template to fit your needs. Remember that your presentation is almost done, so keep it simple. Design at work... Add details here Adding final touches... Keep it quick You have space for details later Use visuals to help Getting it ready... Add details here

My Business Pitch Deck

Transcript: Allen Mira Peacock Visual Designs Pitch Deck 01/05/2021 Customer Value Preposition Value Preposition We offer an array of services such as Web designing, T-shirt Designs, Posters, billboards, banner printing, advertising, Logo designs, etc. at affordable prices. We work with small businesses and large businesses that need any advertising or any graphic-related service. We also offer services to the general public such as the aforementioned T-shirt designing and flyer, banner and poster printing all in one place. The Problem The Problem There aren’t many businesses here in Belize that offer the versatility and array of graphical designing and advertising as we do. Often times businesses that specialize in commercial graphic designing are small owned businesses that mostly specialize in one or two services and only offer a smaller arrange of services for businesses. Not to mention some of their business offices are located at their own home, which often times is located away from the busy streets. The Solution The Solution Peacock Visual Designs offer many services, especially those relating to to other businesses. Any advertising, printing and designing can all be done at this single business entity. With the need for constant advertising and promoting by businesses, it will surely come as a convenience to business owner to come to our location and acquire our services. Market Strategy The Market Pricing The price range for our services vary a lot depending on the amount of work needed to put in order to complete requested service. For example, the cost for web designing typically ranges between $1,000-$100,000, all depending on the features and complexity of the website. I am going to be lowering the price of the typical web design cost and do the same for all of the other services Web designing – $1,000-$65,000 Logo Designing - $300-$1300 T-shirt designs - $20 Distribution Channels Distribution Channels Come visit our business premise to request service needed. We will also be available to work online where we may take orders and requests through our business website. Advertising Advertising Place your logo here Our main form of advertising will be via the internet. Ads on various sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc. will be used to reach a larger audience. Secondary, our other form of advertising will be billboards, flyers, and newspaper ads. Cost Structure. Cost Structure >Acquiring machinery (Printers, Printing press, Computers, etc.) >Premise cost >Employee's pay >Advertisement costs Services Services Logo Designing Web Designing Magazine, newspaper, flyers, billboard, catalogue, banner printing T-shirt design Marketing and advertising Key Partners Key Partners A Group of talented Graphic Designers Investors Advertising agents Web Designers Key Activities Key activities, Revenue Stream and Customer Relations >Making a profit >Provide great customer service >Use time effectively >Compete wit other similar businesses >Mainting good customer relations Revenue Stream Revenue Stream The main revenue stream for the business will be the services bought by the customers of course. Pricing strategies will include both psychological and competitive pricing. Our services will be at a lower cost than other similar businesses in the area in order to gain more traction from consumers. Other businesses can also invest in the business and become a shareholder. Customer Relations Customer Relations We will take feedback from our customers and how we can better our business, both in service quality and pricing. Pricing is also negotiable. We will tend to work fast and effectively so our customers can have their requests completed as soon as possible. The business will keep growing and increase its market share through Market penetration and promotion.

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