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Tourism Tourism

Transcript: Japan has an efficient public transport network, especially within its large cities. The Japanese transport system including Shinkansen (the famous Bullet Train) is characterized by its punctuality, excellent service and its cleanliness. The basic school system in Japan is composed of elementary school (lasting six years), middle school (three years), high school (three years), and university (four years). Education is compulsory only for the nine years of elementary and middle school, but 98% of students go on to high school. Students usually have to take exams in order to enter high schools and universities. Many different sports are played in Japan. Traditional martial arts like judo and kendo are popular, as are sports imported from overseas, such as baseball and soccer (football). Many Japanese go to the sea for surfing and scuba diving in the summer, while skiing and snowboarding are popular winter pursuits. History The traditional clothing are Kimonos. Although modern clothes are influenced by the western culture Famous foods from Japan that are loved all around the world is sushi, sashimi, wagashi. There are two forms of music recognized to be the oldest forms of traditional Japanese music. They are Buddhist chanting, and orchestral court music, Culture Gion Matsuri is a one of the most famous festivals in Japan.It takes place on the Kawaramachi and Oike Streets, during the entire month of July, but the highlight is the grand procession of floats called "Yamaboko Junko" on the 17th and 24th. Japan attracted 31 million international tourists in 2018.Japan has 21 World Heritage Sites, including Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto and Nara. The most Popular foreigner attractions include Tokyo and Hiroshima, Mount Fuji, ski resorts the shinkansen and taking advantage of Japan's hotel and hotspring network. Geography Transportation This is the largest traditional dance festival in Japan. Men, women and children dance on almost all of the streets in Tokushima City, from the 12th to the 15th of August. They wear summer cotton kimono and straw hats. More than a million people get together for this festival. SPORTS CITATIONS Janelle Martinstyne TOURISM Main Economy Gion Matsuri (Kyoto) JAPAN IS AN ISLAND LOCATED IN EAST ASIA THE NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES OF JAPAN ARE SOUTH KOREA, NORTH KOREA, RUSSIA AND CHINA About 80 percent of Japan is mountainous including active and inactive volcanoes. The flat lands are built into cities.You can enjoy the beautiful view of the mountains in the island of Honshu where the Japanese alps are located.Also you can see Japan's famous highest mountain, mount Fuji. Economically,Japan is one of the most highly developed nations in the world. One of the most promising fields for future economic growth is robotics, in which Japanese technology leads the world. Japan's main agricultural product is rice, and most rice eaten in Japan is home-grown. Main Occasions Japan has a very interesting history that revolves around dynasties. It was once a country that remained completely blocked off to any foreigner until the 1500s. At that time, Japan was ruled by the shogun, warlords who were supposed to respect the Emperor. The most famous shogun is Tokugawa Ieyasu, who united most of the country and clarified the classes. 1945 is the turning point in Japanese history, and has shaped the entire government and international policy since. Since then, Japan's economy has gone through the roof, to place it second in the world. Education Awa Odori (Tokushima)


Transcript: Interdependence What is this Interdependence is when two countries rely on each other through their trade because each country has something the other country needs. Pros and cons of interdependence Review Questions Question #1 What does interdependence mean? Interdependence is when two countries rely on each other through trade because each country has something the other country needs. Question #2 What is not an example of interdependence? A non- example of interdependence is a person having food and water and doesn't need anything else and another person needing both but not having anything to give. Question #3 What is an example of interdependence? Someone needing water but having food and another person needing food but having water so they trade with each other for what each other needs thus making this an example of interdependence. Question #4 What are the countries in the example we showed you that use interdependence? Steve and Bob are the countries in the example and they traded lesson plans (education) for water. Question #5 What are some pros of interdependence? Pros of interdependence: Country A and Country B will always have a trading partner. Their will most-likely be no trade barriers beteween Country A and Country B. Also, since both countries have a good trading partner, their economies won't be bad. Question #6 What are some cons of interdependence? If country A runs out of what you need then it would make both of your countries economies crash because country A would lose a very important trading partner and country B would lose a place in which they can get the resources they need. Preguntas? Cons of interdependence: ?

Israeli Tourism Powerpoint

Transcript: Tourism in Israel Mission: To be open for a diverse group of people around the world to come and visit Background Info: Govt. supports increased Tourism for expanded growth! US imports $20.4 Billion (2009) from Israel US exports $8.6 Billion to Israel Unemployment Down from 10% to 7.7% GDP expected to grow 3.5% over the next few years as well as Exports to rise 8.6% (2012). Over 200 malls to be built in the next few years Strong medical and technology sectors ...And that's a wrap! Jews =75.5% Muslims= 14.5% Christians= >7.9% Israel GDP/Capita Compared to Surrounding Nations Life expectancy <75 years old Infant mortality 7/1000 Volatility must be accounted for in investment analysis and business location ie: Gaza embargos, Terrorism More than 260,00 Jewish young adults have traveled to Israel for Taglit-Birthright About 3.4 million people traveled there in 2011. Expected to increase to 4-4.5 million (2012) by Mike Fisch Birthright Strengths: Universal positive evaluations of trips Participants express stronger Jewish identities Participants have greater understanding of Israeli society and history More likely to marry and raise children Jewishly Alumni of programs are more engaged in future programs, especially on college campuses Potential Threats: Terrorism/war World Economic Conditions Bad press/media reviews Business environment is familiar to Americans Improve housing conditions for broader demographic of tourists Rural Tourist Expectations upon return from travel: Tourist expectations compared to actual experience: Birthright Challenges: Effective programming may deteriorate over time Waitlists constantly increasing, limiting number of future participants each year Encouraged innovation Govt. exploring potential ways to fund entrepreneurship in Israel Israel has tight restrictions over who can travel into the country Takes roughly 3-6 minutes to fly across Israel Brandeis Study surveyed nearly 3000 birthright israel participants (2006): Investing in better tourism conditions costs money which Govt. must raise = very difficult due to population size לחיים Economic Landscape Tourism travel on the ground is by bus, for cost and safety reasons Food Issues strict regulations for food quality and process limititations for fast food restaurants Phytosanitary restrictions related to fruit and beef imports/regs. How many people went to Palestine? SWOT Tourism Conditions 1. I've been there and it's awesome, so references are important. 2. Israel has strong economy and connections to worldwide businesses, thus ideal for tourism. 3. Surveys have shown vistors loved it and want to come back. 4. Israel has universal appeal, but has some disruptions that have limited growth. 5. Great exchange rate, weather's favorable. 6. Israel should improve some hotel/hostel conditions, and should take advantage of social media opportunities. Short-term Disruptions, unpredictable Survey Results of Israeli Tourism Map of Most Popular Palestine Desitniations All road signs are produced in English, Hebrew and Arabic Areas of Reccomendation SUPPORTING DATA: FIGURES, TABLES AND GRAPHS: Risks and Limitations FATASTIC AND CONSISTANT WEATHER! Expand multimedia, Facebook water supply is low in Israel it only rains about 2-3 times a year, if that because it gets so hot. most israeli citizens take showers lasting only 3-5 minutes compared to most americans who on average take 15-20 minute showers From 1986 to 1994- 693% Growth in Israeli Tourism Businesses specialty shops, chains, stores and franchises, outlets in malls and shopping centers (As of 2000) $1 USD = $3.7287 Israeli New Shekel 7.8 Million people in Israel Tel Aviv= 3 million Country Size = Jersey Invest in Marketing about average citizens in Israel of all different backgrounds, religions etc. Strong voice over IP services Number of Hotels in Palestine Measures of Israeli Tourism Industry 99% literacy rate Opportunities: Social Media, Facebok/Twitter Marketing tourism to Jewish, American and Foreign senior citizens who long to travel to their homeland Marketing Israeli tourism to young adults-broad demorgaphics Summary and Take-aways Demographics of Survey Visitors to Palestine Israel is a member of the WTO and help protect intellectual property GDP/Capita Israel (2010) = $29,800 USA= $46,000 Jordan= 5,620 Lebanon= 14,226 Egypt= 5,425 Census of Rural B2B Units in Israel:


Transcript: Plus other Special Events! Computer & Email Usage Policy Levin Furniture recognizes the importance of creating a safe and secure environment within which our associates can work. It is a flagrant violation of Levin Furniture’s no harassment policy to initiate or participate in harassment based on sex, religion, race, disability, ethnicity or any other characteristic protected by law. Sexual harassment is defined as: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s prospective or continuing employment. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment staff decisions affecting an individual. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individuals work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. Associates found to have engaged in sexual or any other form of unlawful harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. It is the policy of Levin Furniture to provide a clean and safe environment for our associates, visitors, and/or customers. If you are injured at work: Notify your manager immediately Fill out an Associate Accident Report If you are seeking medical attention, you will be sent for a Post-Accident drug screen When seeking medical attention, you will be required to go to a BWC-certified provider in Ohio or follow the Panel of Physicians in Pa. After seeking treatment, report your work status immediately to your manager. Progressive Discipline Policy Levin Policies and Procedures Company Picnics Levin Policies and Procedures Robert Levin, President Robert took over the family business in 1992. Robert continues his family’s tradition of service, quality and competitive pricing while continuing to grow the business. The counseling process will be accelerated during the first 90 days of service. Allowed 1 grace day during first 90 days of service. The second call off during the first 90 days of service will result in a Final Written Counseling. The third call off during the first 90 days of service will result in Separation. People you should know… Vendor Cruise Attendance Policy Holiday Parties No Harassment Policy People you should know… Smoking is prohibited inside any building or facility owned or leased by Levin Furniture or on company premises with the exception of designated areas. This prohibition includes the Corporate Office and Warehouse and in all Stores and company vehicles. As an associate of Levin Furniture, it is important that everyone present a professional, business-like appearance. SALES ASSOCIATES/OFFICE ASSOCIATES Male Associates—dress may include: dress slacks, a clean business shirt, sport coat, business suit and a tie (optional) may be worn. Female Associates—dress may include: dresses, suits, skirts, blouses, slacks, dress capri pants, and skorts. Shoes should complement one’s attire and be worn with socks or hose. Overall appearance should not be offensive or in bad taste Drug-Free Workplace Policy Levin Furniture has implemented the S.T.A.R. (Saving Time And Resources) Associate Suggestion Program to reward associate’s ideas that when implemented, make work flow more efficiently and save resources. A $25.00 gift card will be awarded for ideas that when implemented significantly save time and resources. A $400.00 award will be given annually for the S.T.A.R. suggestion of the year. You can pick up a Star suggestion form from your manager, HR or the ASK website. Golf Outing Questions Levin Furniture is always looking for qualified candidates to fill positions. The Recommend a Friend program was developed to reward current Levin associates for providing quality referrals. How Do You Make a Referral? Simply pick up a RAF form (from your manager, HR or ASK website). Complete and submit the RAF form along with a completed Levin application. How Do You Receive Your RAF Award? You will be notified if your RAF referral is hired. Once the new associate reaches their 90 day anniversary, you will receive $200.00 (paid through regular payroll, less applicable taxes and deductions) *Both the referral and you must be active associates at the time the RAF award is paid. Certain eligibility restrictions apply. Sales Awards Million Dollar Club $900k Award + more Annual Sales Awards Banquet Welcome To Our Team! Basil Hawanchak Vice President,Finance The sequence and number of counseling steps to be followed for those violations considered to be correctable are as follows: Associates with 90 or less days of service (Introductory period): Final Written Counseling Separation Associates with over 90 days of service Verbal Counseling Written Counseling Final Written Counseling Separation *Serious offenses may result in immediate termination No Smoking Policy

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