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Chinese Calligraphy

Transcript: controlled vitality of brushstrokes dynamic relationship of strokes within a character Connections resources A. foundation of Chinese painting B. decoration of Chinese architecture C. naturalism and individualism D. major media to express personal feeling and perspective Painting and Inscription Architecture and Inscription QUESTIONS? calligraphic style significance spatial perspective chiaroscuro significance Poet on the Mountain Top White clouds sash-like wrap mountain waists, The rock terrace flies in space distant, a narrow path. Leaning on a bramble staff far and free I gaze, To the warble of valley brook I will reply, whistling. (Translation from Indiana University.) architecture & inscription painting and inscription thank you! Chinese Calligraphy (14th-17th century) inscription inspired by poems listen, rain in falling on the autumn bamboo. let the monk go on playing at chess -------Li Zhongyou, Tang dynasty Sighing of the autumn rain there are half yellow musa basjoo and dark green lotus leaves the sighing of the autumn rain can be heard by both families -------Yang Wanli, Song dynasty beautiful writing of Chinese characters rising focus on naturalism how does it work on paper author: Dong Qichang (1555-1636) Ming dynasty setting: hanging scroll media: ink on paper National Palace Museum, Taipei Humble Administrator's Garden What is Calligraphy? inscription background Shen Zhou Ming dynasty (14th-17th century) an able calligrapher, poet, writer and painter landscape subject practice with relative freedom individualist and innovative approach semi-cursive script inscription translation author background

Chinese calligraphy

Transcript: Calligraphy Nowadays Chinese calligraphy The earliest form of writing The history of Chinese Calligraphy has begun ever since the 2nd century in China. It is when people started writing in pictorial forms in the effort to record their everyday life and history, to make contact and remember everything that has happened. The earliest form of writing is called the "Jiaguwen", where the writings are carved on bones and stones, it is further developed until today's Chinese writing system. History of Calligraphy Calligraphy was widely practiced in ancient times by the rich or the students who wished for higher social status. People in other careers generally aren't interested in such luxury only until that paper were invented. Before then calligraphy has to be written on silk, which is unaffordable for most people. Learning calligraphy isn't hard, but mastering it is a total different business. You have to get used to the brush and stroke. Calligraphy values how thought is expressed in a visual way, therefore the most important thing is to understand the literal meaning of the characters. It may take a lifetime to master it, most may not even achieve it. Calligraphy was invented for recording events and history, also to connect to one another through words. It is later developed into different styles according to the dynasty it's in, nowadays it is recreational and a lot more of it means art than actually writing. Contests for the best calligraphy writings are often held to judge the best calligraphy masterpiece. Evolution Shusu by Mi Fu (Considered one of the best masterpiece) Jiaguwen Calligraphy is now considered one of the highest form of Chinese art. It is no longer used for communication or record, only for the plain luxury of art. Calligraphy artists are striving to express the thoughts in calligraphy in a peculiar visual way, creating their own unique style. Schools in Asia taught calligraphy in the effort to keep the art popular, but there's a decline in the popularity of it. Challenges in Calligraphy Calligraphy Before

Chinese Calligraphy

Transcript: Date:02/07/14 How is Chinese calligraphy different from regular Chinese? In what dynasty did Chinese calligraphy become the most sophisticated? Chinese calligraphy reached its highest peak in both the Jin and Tang dynasties (618-907) In the Tang dynasty also known as the golden age, Calligraphy was praised as one of Tangs crowning achievements Chinese calligraphy was also used as a way of evaluating a person or a way of selecting talents What kind of tools are needed to do chinese calligraphy? Date:03/02/14 Some notable calligraphers were... Wei Shuo (272-349) Wang Xizhi (303-361) Wang Xianzhi (344-386) Ouyang Xun (557-641) Yu Shinan (558-638) Chu Suiliang (597-658) Emperor Taizong of Tang (599-649 Zhang Xu (658-747) Yan Zhenqing (709-785) Huai Su (737-799) Chinese Calligraphy Chinese calligraphy began to develop more than 3000 years ago. It eventually evolved into 5 basic script types which are all still used today. 1~seal script: When Pictograms and ideographs began to take standardized form, it evolved into seal script. 2~Clerical script: Later in the Han dynasty, (2nd century AD) a new regularized script was formed and used by government clerks called Clerical sript. 3/4~Running script and Cursive script: Also in Han, these two scripts were developed both as a "natural evolution and response to the aesthetic potential of brushed ink." 5~Standard script: Individual brushstrokes of clerical script, inflicted with more "fluid and asymmetrical features" of cursive script, created a final script called standard script. Date:03/02/14 Date:02/21/14 Ink brush, ink, paper and ink stone are all essential when it comes to writing chinese calligraphy. Brush~ The body of a brush is made from either bamboo or rarer materials such as wood, glass, ivory, silver or gold. The head of the brush is made from hair or feathers of wide variety of animals such as rabbit, deer, duck, goat, pig, tiger, wolf, weasel, chicken ect. Paper~ Special types of paper are used. In China, Xuanzhi is the preffered type. Ink~ Made from soot and binders and comes in an ink stick. (Ink sticks must be rubbed with water on an ink stone until correct consistency.) Ink stone~ Used to grind the solid ink stick into liquid ink and also contains the ink once it is in liquid form. How is Chinese calligraphy relevant to today's calligraphy? Who were some famous calligraphers? Date:03/02/14 In calligraphy, correct strokes, stroke order, character structure, balance and rhythm are essential. You must also be able to write in regular Chinese before you can do calligraphy. Chinese calligraphy is one of the highest forms of chinese art. It serves the purpose of conveying thought and shows the abstract beauty of a line.

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