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Frame Template For Powerpoint

Create your presentation by reusing a template from our community or transition your PowerPoint deck into a visually compelling Prezi presentation.

basic game frame work - template

Transcript: Level 5 name: ? where in the world is this level? whats in this level? what is the purpose of this level? what will the player learn in this level? name: ? Description of what this does: when does it get used how does it change overtime/experience Game Play Mechanic 4 name: ? where in the world is this level? whats in this level? what is the purpose of this level? what will the player learn in this level? design name: ? Description of what this does: when does it get used how does it change overtime/experience Level 1 name: ? where in the world is this level? whats in this level? what is the purpose of this level? what will the player learn in this level? Game Name name: ? where in the world is this level? whats in this level? what is the purpose of this level? what will the player learn in this level? name: ? Description of what this does: when does it get used how does it change overtime/experience Game Play Mechanic 6 name: ? where in the world is this level? whats in this level? what is the purpose of this level? what will the player learn in this level? name: ? where in the world is this level? whats in this level? what is the purpose of this level? what will the player learn in this level? Level 3 Level 7 Game Script Level 6 name: ? Description of what this does: when does it get used how does it change overtime/experience Game Play Mechanic1 name: ? Description of what this does: when does it get used how does it change overtime/experience game - pay to play Game Play Mechanic 3 game demo - free analyze art list Game Play Mechanic 5 Level 8 name: ? where in the world is this level? whats in this level? what is the purpose of this level? what will the player learn in this level? name: ? Description of what this does: when does it get used how does it change overtime/experience Game Play Mechanic 2 Level 4 test GUI what is the experience this game provides? tutorial All mechanics name: ? where in the world is this level? whats in this level? what is the purpose of this level? what will the player learn in this level? all mechanics are tested before being implemented develop what are the pillars of this game? 1. 2. 3. Level 2

Prezi Strategy Recommendation

Transcript: Animate YouTube What are the supporting points? Conclusion Storyboard These determine the flow of the prezi. symbols and shapes lines arrows background music voice-over Template Should Add to the Story Outline the story More... Be Creative This light gray circle is the frame for a title box and text box import existing PowerPoint presentations cannot edit "slide" once imported flow of the PPT can serve as storyboard What are Frames? Container Multimedia Layout start a blank prezi choose background color (or image) choose frames import content similar to importing a PowerPoint presentation to do: place "pages" or viewer in a frame for better control Design should help to deliver the story, not distract from it. under: Insert>Layout Add a single frame Import PDF, Video.. Mapping the story/layout outside of Prezi will save you loads of time! Customize... remember motion sickness use these options sparingly for effect don't overdo it lay out the story outside of Prezi be as detailed as you can be images, videos, color, etc. What are the main points? Templates are editable ~Storyboard~ Insert Frames minimal animation options use voiceover for individual frames Zoom and Tilt From PowerPoint Prezi - Instead of PowerPoint Reinvent the Wheel? they come with a pre-existing path (flow pattern) edit parts of the path clear path and start over delete frames... Feeling Creative? break out of the PPT mold use multimedia use your voice Let's get started! Template or not under: Insert>Layout Add a frame cluster background image color theme To Template or Not to Template... Think... process brainstorming gallery many categories Based on Jim Harvey's speech structures These provide depth and context. All you need is a URL

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