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Employee Handbook Template Powerpoint

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Employee Handbook

Transcript: It is important to remain level-headed in every situation. One must remain calm and friendly to maintain a respectable image for themselves and the company. You must not let any situation affect you personally. Business is business. ! The ability to remain neutral is required to avoid unnecessary conflict. Avoid personal bias. Objectivity Respect Keeping yourself presentable includes keeping yourself hygienically up to par. This means keeping yourself and your belongings clean and neat. One must be presentable to the public as the face of the company. Respectable and courteous attire is needed in order to be represented as such. Always follow the guidelines that have been established by the manager. Do Not Bring Your Personal Views To The Workplace Care For Your Appearance It's important to be accountable so that you can be relied on to do your job when you are supposed to do it. This shows responsibility and initiative. Ask Questions Employee Handbook Keeping Good Work Habits Communicate With The Management A productive workspace requires everyone involved to be in a fully functioning state of mind. This makes for a safer and healthier work environment. Keeping your manager informed on what goes on in their business is key to keeping the establishment running smoothly and efficiently. In doing so, comments and concerns can be addressed. If you should have any questions or concerns, make them known to the management so that they can be addressed and there are no misunderstandings. In some cases, the customer may be difficult to work with. Being patient with these customers maintains your professionalism and the ability to deal with such situations. Madeline Wotton Thick Skin Being able to involve yourself in the situation can help you in taking special considerations and gaining the trust of the customer. Professionalism Every customer and their needs are different. In order to satisfy the individual needs, you must be prepared to be flexible. Ensure you convey exactly what you mean to avoid any miscommunication. Be On Time Clear Communication Being assigned multiple tasks comes with the territory of a career. Being able to organize your tasks and get them done in a timely and orderly fashion. Being able to create a schedule is a valuable skill. Respect for the customer is required. Without respect, there is no foundation of trust or cooperation. Do Not Use Drugs Or Alcohol At Work Manage Your Time Patience Customer Service Skills Having good habits in the workplace helps keep everyone safe, happy, and productive. Keep in mind and practice these habits at all times. Empathy ? Adaptability Along with having good work habits, you'll also need customer service skills. This means being able to communicate with and service customers in a pleasant and helpful manner. It's best to keep the work environment objective and neutral. Setting aside bias for the better of the company is a virtue. Personal Hygiene

Employee Handbook

Transcript: Another thing is to stay consistent with your work. Most people will start to fall of with their work, whether it be writing a report, or even cleaning there area. By staying consistent you are setting an example for other workers as well. Upper management and bosses and such pay attention to this stuff. They do this main becasue they want to see if no matter the circumstances, you are able to stay consistent. Friendships are a must. By becoming friends with employees you can help each other. There may be times where one employee may need some sort of assistance. You can meet up and talk about what they may need. Whether it is help with an issue or personal problems. By being friends, you can see if they are having personal issues or such. They can see ypu as a friend they can trust so they talk to you about it. Building friendships can go alon ways, especially if problems as big as them need attention they know they can go to you. Ideas By; Justin Chambers Each work place has people that are enemies. Don't be the one person that has enemies in the work place. Having an enemy can greatly affect your work. Having an enemy is working with someone you hate and don't care what happens too. Always try and avoid having an enemy. Each co worker needs to care about each other. This helps in bulding strong bonds and relationships. It will help business greatly, and will help you and others greatly. Open Minded Helpful Consistency Stay open minded. This may seem a little weird, but trust me, it helps. By staying open minded to new ideas, to new employees, changes in the upper management, you can be seen as a leader. Having an open mind may be difficult at first, especially if there are big changes in a company. Staying open minded proves that you can still be the same person and still work hard no matter what. Upper management pay attention to how open minded someone is. You may be the one person that they can bounce Ideas off of and know that know matter what, you will have an open mind for each one. Speak Up One thing to help keep your job is being helpful. If you see someone struggling with there work, offer a helping hand. By doing this you are setting an example for other workers, as well as your boss. In the ling run, people y offer you a helping hand in return, you may even see a promotion in your future. Speak up! If there is an issue speak up. Not only can you resolve problem much quicker, buy you can also prove that you can help with the problem. Many times in companies there will be ongoing problems among co workers that never gain attention of the upper management. If you see a problem, or think there may be a problem, go and tell your boss. They can solve the problem or find the root. this will be helpful because all employees need to be on the same side no matter what. Throw ideas out to everyone. Any idea is never bad. It shows that you know there may be ways to improve business. It shows that you are also open to the idea of change. Other people feed of this. You throw out an idea, then they do, and sooner or later there are multiple ideas on paper. In the long run, these ideas may be useful, especially when there needs to be a change, the upper management knows that you as well as other co workers can throw out ideas. Friendships Enemies Employee Handbook

Employee Handbook

Transcript: We need your help to meet these objectives. Pleas feel free to offer any constructive suggestions to our staff. Sexual harassment constitutes discrimination and is illegal under federal, state and local laws. CMU Custodial is committed to a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Fall 2013 Employee Hand Book CMU Custodial encourages reporting of all perceived incidents of discrimination or harassment. All student employees will be required to submit their time on-line via MavZone. It is the responsibility of each employee to conduct all tasks in a safe and efficient manner CMU Custodial will not tolerate stealing, nor will it tolerate the possession of company property or other employees' property without prior permission. Not reporting to work and not calling to report the absence is a no-call/no-show and is a serious matter. Diversity Colorado Mesa University (CMU) Custodial provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) All employees, customers, vendors and business associates must be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. Dress Guidelines Violence in the Workplace each employee has the responsibility to identify and familiarize themself with the emergency plan for their working area. To provide good working conditions for our employees... Hourly student employees are paid on a biweekly basis. Attendance and Punctuality CMU Custodial expressly prohibits any form of unlawful employee harassment Equal Employment Opportunity Statement Communication and Awareness This may also include unwanted sexual jokes and innuendos; Payday always falls on a Friday, unless that Friday is a University holiday. In that instance, pay is issued the work day before the university holiday. Uniforms and Dress Code All Employees are apart of the Hazardous Communication network. To provide properly maintained and clean buildings. Definitions of Harassment To provide friendly, courteous service. CMU Custodial Anti-Harassment Policy Vacation and holidays must be scheduled with one’s supervisor in advance. Employees should promptly inform the Human Resource department of any protective or restraining order that they have obtained that lists the workplace as a protected area. Objectives Stealing is grounds for immediate termination and may cause the company to bring criminal charges against you. Pay Periods, Paydays & Paychecks employees are not allowed to wear ear buds, use cell phones or texting devices during the work period. Each biweekly pay period begins at 12:01 a.m. Sunday and ends two Saturdays later at 12:00 midnight. The intent of this policy is to create a mutual understanding of the dress code guidelines for the Full Time and Student Custodial Staff. It is our objective that the employees of the Custodial Department present a professional image to our students, faculty, staff, and industry partners at all times, as we represent the Facilities Department of Colorado Mesa University. Conduct that threatens, intimidates or coerces another employee, customer, vendor or business associate will not be tolerated. Improper interference with the ability of any employees to perform their expected job duties is absolutely not tolerated. Patterns of absenteeism or tardiness may result in discipline even if the employee has not yet exhausted available paid time off. Harassing conduct also includes nicknames, slurs or negative stereotyping; Colorado Mesa University Facilities Department A favorable and professional image will include: Clean and conservative, close-toed, work shoes Well-groomed hairstyle Cleaned and trimmed fingernails Minimal cologne or perfume No visible body piercing (e.g., tongue, nose, gauged ears, lips, eyebrows, etc.) may not be visible or detectable beyond conservative ear piercings Management requires that every person in the organization assumes the responsibility of individual and organizational safety. Theft Safety And Health


Transcript: Performance management systems Event organizer Termination Harassment free work place Our company gives employee 3 months for probation period policy.It is a process of conducting reviews and assessing employee performance prior. At work Compensation Develop a recruitment and retention strategy Provide placements for social work graduates students Haj leave Manager Orient new employee to the work environment Establish a foundation to develop effective working relationships Discuss vision, mission, goals and organizational structures Review job expectations and begin to provide feedback Review Occupational Health and Safety policies and procedures Review Probationary / Trial Period and set follow-up date List witnesses present at the time of the event Greeting the new employee Provide an introduction to the department Familiarize the new employee with the role and function of Human Resource Management Review fire / emergency evacuation procedures Assign an employee mentor or "go to" person At varavela our work ethics are based on Individually Conflict management Trainings provided The VARAVELA garden hall is the design result of a real mix & match, it could just flow into every period of time under the concept of “Timeless”. Organization and employment evaluating O – outstanding V – Very Good G – Good I – Improvement needed U – Unsatisfactory BACKGROUND INFORMATION Back Stage Security ฿9,000 – ฿12,000 Backstage Service ฿15,000 – ฿30,000 Human resources ฿15,000 – ฿30,000 Head of department ฿35,000 – ฿45,000 If company found that employees are under the influence of a drug or alcohol during working hours. For new employee Courses, Seminars, Workshops Job expanding Field trips Setting the goals If company found that employee assault their coworker. Post the complaint to the HR manager or president Business developer Work Hours Attendance Every worker is crucial to the success of the Organization – workers become more productive when they don’t feel threatened ORGANIZATION CHART Employees can defend themselves through the employment laws of Thailand Listen comment + any good idea from employees. First Day V Relax + enjoy working by create activities. Designer Contents from Employee Handbook Event management for new employees Is it possible to design something that is timeless? UNIFORM Bonus Maternity leave Engineer Accident leave Employment contract: At Varavela conflict is managed through – Accommodation and Collaboration. Employee development and advancement Get ready to the next project. “Teamwork is combined action of a group of people, especially when effective & efficient” The following communication methods are used at Varavela to ensure effective communication Face to Face Emails Regular meetings Social media General Manager 3 late = 1 absent 1 absent = cut off your vacation days Content List the harassment details on a note pad Talk about another story without the project Current employees that promoted to higher position. Make the inspiration + creativity. If company found that you give us a fake document for example fake ID card and fake transcript. VISION Schedule of orientation Introduction of handbook VRVL background Organization culture Organization chart Human resource policies Commitment to Harassment Employee relations Organization and Employee Development Future Plans for HRD Project management for new employees Who made VARAVELA? Employee Schedule of orientation Benefits Employee Data processing and data use for service management and decision-making Personnel management Supervision Teaching Communications Information technology All workers must separate their roles from the organization when handling issues that do involve the organization "we can complement each other to create every amazing things” Maintain and upgrade skills of existing staffs through Continuing Education. First Week Evaluation Code of conduct VARAVELA was made by the great dreamers who are the great team players. V by MD VARAVELA Updated on a regular basis to evaluate the success of the new plan Introduction of Handbook Work equipment Manager Manager Employee Orientation Presentation In the same manner if any worker misbehaves our lawyers will seek legal justice. Need friendly person + good in communication Employee relations It is the culture of co-creation which is weaved from the belief that if we can bring the best in each of us, Managing Director Human resource policies regarding Probation "To create special moment" Retirement Plan Staffing Requirements Only used for business activities Contact Us ORGANIZATION CULTURE 9a.m.-6p.m, break: 12.30 a.m.-01.30 p.m New employees who passed hiring process for a permanent position. The employee who can be placed in the probationary period include the following: conduct themselves in a businesslike manner Employee Reliability Dedication Productivity Cooperation (team work) Character 438 Soi Nawamin

Employee Handbook

Transcript: You should pay careful attention to your customer at all times. Listening to what they want is important and helps you provide great service to them. Be aware of there hand movements and how they are interacting with you, and give them feedback that is appropriate. Listen for clues and if they are trying to say something with out "saying" it. Customer Service Skills That Matter Clear Communication Skills Kayley Smirga Junior Studies There are going to be difficult customers that are extremely hard to please. Most of the time the reason they are unhappy is out of your control. So, you smile no matter what and at least act like you're happy to be serving them. Being grumpy or angry back will just make things worse and it will escalate quickly. Time Management Skills Able to Handle Surprises Always stay calm and be patient with customers no matter what the situation is. Great service is always better than fast service, you want the customers leaving happy and satisfied. Customers want good service from workers, they don't want to be rushed out the door right away. Try to help the customer as much as you can with what they are having problems with. Patience is the key to success. Patience Having a Calming Presence In complicated situations you always have to remember to stay calm. Your co-workers are there if you need help with something or you're not sure what to do in a certain situation. Ask your supervisor for help if it's major, it looks better to ask for help than trying to handle something that you can't on your own. You cannot let a angry customer let you want to scream at them, it's your job to stay calm and try your hardest to make them happy. Tenacity End Employee Handbook Sometimes the customer is reacting how you would like them too or maybe you're not sure on how to handle the situation. You have to be able to think on your feet and know what to do quickly. You should create guidelines for yourself in complicated situations. You should always know who to ask, what the problem is, and how you are going to ask someone for help. Acting Skills Don't take shortcuts on what needs to be done, work hard and take that extra step. Good service to your customers pays off, not only are they happy but it makes you feel good and know you did everything right. Don't be lazy, yeah you might be tired but don't show it and let people know. Being lazy causes problems and it doesn't look good on you or the company you're working for. Always give everything your all and do everything at your best ability. Attentiveness Customers aren't there for you to tell your life story to and converse with them for hours, help them get what they are asking for as quickly as possible. Make sure you are talking to them clearly and at an appropriate volume. Always be careful with how you're coming across,and how you're questioning the situation the customer is in. Be clear with your customer and tell them everything they should know. Make sure to not leave out important topics. Yes, you are suppose to spend time with your customers and make sure that they are satisfied but, try and get it done with in an efficient manner.There are going to be customers that you just can't help. If you realize you can't help them go to your supervisor or ask a co-worker on what to do in the situation. Do not put a ton of time in trying to help a customer that you aren't able to help, you're just wasting time for the both of you.

Employee Handbook

Transcript: Good Work Habits Customer Service Skills Employee Handbook 1. Active listening! You must listen to exactly what the customer says and be able to repeat information. 2. Be friendly! Being nice to customers is a must the work place, so try your best to be kind to them. 3. Be natural! Yes, you should be friendly, but don't overdo it to the point where it seems fake. 4. Communication skills! You have to be able to communicate with customers while working. Good Work Habits Customer Service Skills 1. Be on time! This is such a simple thing to do, but you need to arrive at work once your employer has scheduled you to begin. 2. Learn the policies and rules! Understand the policies of your workplace, that way you'll understand what to do and what not to do. 3. Manage your work time! Schedule the things you need to do in order to have everything completed in time. 4. Work safely! Try to avoid accidents for yourself, coworkers, and customers. 5. Appearance and Hygiene! Make sure you dress appropriately for work. Also please make sure you pay attention and have good personal hygiene. 6. Keep your supervisor informed! Make sure to tell your supervisor when you will be late for work/late, also try to give them the information in advance. 7. Don't bring personal views to work! The workplace definitely isn't the place to discuss/argue hot topics. 8. Ask questions and take notes! If you don't understand something make sure to ask someone. Also try to jot down important information. 5. Have patience! You must have patience when it comes to dealing with customers. 6. Know what you're selling! If you don't know what you're selling, it won't only make you look bad, but the product as well. 7. Know how to handle difficult customers! By understanding how to remain calm with someone extra, you will maybe make them happy in the end, or you know, at least keep your job. 8. Persuasion skills! Having persuasion skills will definitely be a plus when it comes to selling products, so practice your persuading.

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