Transcript: -Speed is a Synthetically made Stimulant, however it can cause hallucinations. Physical effects -Highdoses of speed can result in increased nervousness, irritability, paranoia, confusion, anxiety and aggressiveness. Cost and how it's used -Lastly it causes brain damage to brain cells containing dopamine, which can result in parkinsons. -Urine test: most common test -Hair analysis: obtains accurate results. -Saliva test: used to detect presence of metaphetamine, which speed is a part of. -62% of an oral dose of speed is eliminated in urine within the first 24 hours with about 1/3 as an intact drug and the remainder as metabolites. SPEED Classification First to determine if someone is on speed, look to see if they seem to be, in general, more hyper. IE: someone who rarely talks won't shut up on speed. (Methamphetamine) -Speed is a DEA schedule II controlled substance used to treat ADHD and Obesity. It being a Schedule II drug means its addictive and needs a medical prescription to get it. The science behind it -It could result in what it intended and enhance mood and body movement. Speed is more able to penetrate the CNS more readily than amphetamine making speed a more potent longer lasting stimulant.-- -Speed is most commonly found as crystals or powder, a single gram of speed is worth up to $100 -However it can also cause irreversible damage to the brain blood vessels which can produce strokes and death from hyperthermia,convulsions and cardiovascular collapse due to the loss of brain blood vessels. -It can also result in weight loss, malnutrition and dental problems call meth mouth. What's it called? Adverse effects Science behind it Cont. The release of Dopamine at high levels in the synpase can lead to toxicity at the nerve terminals. The meth. increases synaptic levels of serotonin and sympathomimetic neropinephrine. The results of speed are similar to cocaine but has a slower onset but longer duration of action. High lipophilicity can easily cross the blood-brain barrier because of the Speed. --However amp. is an active metabolite of meth., peaking in blood levels in roughly 12 hours. -Speed is metabolized in the liver and. Speed causes all these effects because of it's a part of methamphetamine, which means it releases high levels of dopamine and blocks the re-uptake of dopamine (similar effect to cocaine) -Taking speed will increase your heart rate, blood pressure, body temp, breathing rate and will dilate the pupils. -In Canada Speed hasn't been approved for medical use, therefore simply owning speed can have a penalty of 10 years to life in prison. hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/drugs-drogues/ missionofhope.org.au urban75.com/drugs drugs.com/speed.html thegooddrugsguide.com en.wikipedia.com (legal status of methamphetamine) Psychological effects -It's chemical formula is C10H15N. All Start With www. ... except wikipedia. -It is a derivative/part of methamphetamine (speed is the injectable form) Secondly an actually test to take to find out it is speed and if someone has taken it is the following tests. -If someone stops taking speed it can result in violent erratic behavior, hallucinations, psychosis similar to schizophrenia, and psychotic episode months or years after the drug abuse has stopped. -Speed, or as it's also called:Glass, Desoxyn, etc. -Some of the more deadly or tragic effects are hyperactivity, insomnia, anorexia, tremors and even memory loss. Tests -Speed can be injected (via syringe i presume) for instant effect, taken orally, effects taking place 10- 20 minutes after, Smoked (pressumably with a bong), for instant effect, or snorted, effects taking 3-5 minutes after. -Some of the psychological effects of taking speed are panic attacks, depression, paranoia, hallucinations,volatility and aggresion. Sources/Citation